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| tags:
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| - tag: Commodity:Au
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| - tag: Project:Hemlo South
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| - tag: xDD lithologies:amphibolite
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| - tag: xDD lithologies:aplite
| |
| - tag: xDD lithologies:arenite
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| - tag: xDD lithologies:graywacke
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| - tag: xDD lithologies:greenschist
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| - tag: xDD lithologies:komatiite
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| - tag: xDD lithologies:lamprophyre
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| - tag: xDD lithologies:mafic
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| - tag: xDD lithologies:metamorphic
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| - tag: xDD lithologies:metasedimentary
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| - tag: xDD lithologies:volcanic
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| - tag: xDD lithologies:volcaniclastic
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| - tag: xDD lithologies:wacke
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| - tag: xDD minerals:Antimony
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Arsenic
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Arsenopyrite
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Biotite
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Boron
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Chalcopyrite
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Copper
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Diamond
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Feldspar
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Galena
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Gold
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Iron
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Lead
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Magnetite
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Mercury
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Molybdenite
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Molybdenum
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Phase A
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Pyrite
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Pyrrhotite
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Quartz
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Scheelite
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Silver
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Sphalerite
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Tellurium
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Tourmaline
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Tungsten
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Vanadium
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Zinc
| |
| - tag: xDD minerals:Zircon
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| - tag: xDD tensor:pyrite
| |
| - tag: xDD tensor:pyritic
| |
| title: NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Hemlo South project in Canada dated January,
| |
| 2021
| |
| url: https://w3id.org/usgs/z/4530692/FEFNFHED
| |
| version: 77981
| |