Property talk:P84
The same as property in the GeoKB is used to provide links to other knowledge systems where the subject item is generally considered to be the same as the object that the URL link resolves to. It may not be exactly the same thing in terms of the stated characteristics, but it can generally be considered to be close enough that entities from the linked information systems can be put together to form a more complete picture.
In many cases, the GeoKB uses same as links in lieu of External ID properties where we are trying to build a compound understanding of a topic across knowledge systems.
As stated elsewhere, one of the important things we are exploring through the GeoKB is the connection we can build in to the largest fully open, public and collaborative knowledge graph in Wikidata. We use same as links to Wikidata for both items and properties, respectively, where we generally consider Wikidata to be documenting the same things and using properties in similar ways. We generally do not incorporate claims from Wikidata on items that are considered the same as we are often unsure of the provenance for those claims and whether we trust them. Instead, users can follow the links to pull additional information from Wikidata or use information from the GeoKB that may be more robustly referenced.
PREFIX wdt: <>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?same_as
?item wdt:P84 ?same_as .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }
FILTER CONTAINS(STR(?same_as), "")