Item talk:Q75819
From geokb
"USGS Publications Warehouse": { "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "additionalType": "USGS Numbered Series", "name": "Mapping the glacial geology of the Central Great Lakes region in three dimensions: A model for state-federal cooperation", "identifier": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse IndexID", "value": "ofr99349", "url": "" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse Internal ID", "value": 38113 }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "DOI", "value": "10.3133/ofr99349", "url": "" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "ISSN", "value": "0094-9140" } ], "inLanguage": "en", "isPartOf": [ { "@type": "CreativeWorkSeries", "name": "Open-File Report" } ], "datePublished": "1999", "dateModified": "2020-03-31", "abstract": "Planners need to evaluate complex and competing public-policy options for managing water, land, and biological resources; they must ensure economic growth, meet the needs of an increasing population, assess hazards, and manage the environment in a sustainable manner. The State Geological Surveys of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) receive many requests from local, State, and Federal planners and officials for geologic information. Thick and complex layers of glacial and related sediments blanket the bedrock of these States: a three-dimensional understanding of these deposits is critical to making informed resource-management and other planning decisions. At two recent forums (in Indianapolis, March 1997, and Columbus, Ohio, February 1999), more than 200 attendees from more than 60 local, State, and Federal agencies provided a clear message. They need three-dimensional geologic information to use in making decisions on the following issues: \u2022 Quality, quantity, distribution, and accessibility of surface and ground water \u2022 Aggregate sources and land-use conflicts \u2022 Energy and mineral resource management \u2022 Environmental management and mitigation of land and water contamination \u2022 Acceleration of the permitting processes of regulatory agencies \u2022 Industrial, commercial, residential, and infrastructure siting and construction \u2022 Agricultural land loss, erosion, sedimentation, and agrichemical use \u2022 Waste-disposal planning and mitigation \u2022 Habitat alteration and biodiversity \u2022 Coastal erosion, landslides, radon, floods, and earthquakes", "description": "v, 65 p.", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "U.S. Geological Survey" }, "author": [ { "@type": "Person", "name": "Berg, Richard C.", "givenName": "Richard C.", "familyName": "Berg" }, { "@type": "Person", "name": "Pavey, Richard R.", "givenName": "Richard R.", "familyName": "Pavey" }, { "@type": "Person", "name": "Stone, Byron D.", "givenName": "Byron D.", "familyName": "Stone", "email": "", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "ORCID", "value": "0000-0001-6092-0798", "url": "" }, "affiliation": [ { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Florence Bascom Geoscience Center", "url": "" }, { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Eastern Geology and Paleoclimate Science Center", "url": "" } ] }, { "@type": "Person", "name": "Kincare, Kevin A.", "givenName": "Kevin A.", "familyName": "Kincare", "email": "", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "ORCID", "value": "0000-0002-1050-3627", "url": "" }, "affiliation": [ { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Eastern Geology and Paleoclimate Science Center", "url": "" }, { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Florence Bascom Geoscience Center", "url": "" } ] }, { "@type": "Person", "name": "Jones, Berwyn E.", "givenName": "Berwyn E.", 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