Item talk:Q59140
From geokb
"USGS Publications Warehouse": { "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "additionalType": "USGS Numbered Series", "name": "Preliminary estimates of annual agricultural pesticide use for counties of the conterminous United States, 2013", "identifier": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse IndexID", "value": "ofr20151176", "url": "" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse Internal ID", "value": 70157362 }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "DOI", "value": "10.3133/ofr20151176", "url": "" } ], "inLanguage": "en", "isPartOf": [ { "@type": "CreativeWorkSeries", "name": "Open-File Report" } ], "datePublished": "2015", "dateModified": "2016-06-29", "abstract": "Summary\nThis report provides preliminary estimates of annual agricultural use of 387 pesticide compounds in counties of the conterminous United States in 2013, compiled by means of methods described in Thelin and Stone (2013) and Baker and Stone (2015). U.S. Department of Agriculture county-level data for harvested-crop acreage were used in conjunction with proprietary Crop Reporting District-level pesticide-use data to estimate county-level pesticide use. Where Crop Reporting District data were not available or were incomplete, estimated pesticide use values were calculated with two different methods, resulting in a low and a high estimate based on different assumptions about missing survey data (Thelin and Stone, 2013). Preliminary estimates in this report are expected to be revised upon availability of updated crop acreages in the 2017 Agricultural Census, to be published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2019. Estimates of annual agricultural pesticide use are provided as downloadable, tab-delimited files, which are organized by compound, year, state Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code, county Federal Information Processing Standard code, and amount in kilograms (kg). The files, listed below, are a continuation of the 1992\u20132009 and 2008\u20132012 pesticide-use estimates reported by Stone (2013) and Baker and Stone (2015), respectively:\nHigh estimates of county pesticide use, arranged by pesticide name:\nTable 1.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 1-Methyl Cyclopropene through Chlorantraniliprole Table 2.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Chlorethoxyfos through Diflufenzopyr Table 3.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Dimethenamid through Gibberellic Acid Table 4.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Glufosinate through Metiram Table 5.\u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0Metolachlor through Propazine Table 6.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Propiconazole through Triasulfuron Table 7.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Tribenuron Methyl through Zoxamide\nLow estimates of county pesticide use, arranged by pesticide name:\nTable 8.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 1-Methyl Cyclopropene through Chlorantraniliprole Table 9.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Chlorethoxyfos through Diflufenzopyr Table 10.\u00a0 Dimethenamid through Gibberellic Acid Table 11.\u00a0 Glufosinate through Metiram Table 12.\u00a0 Metolachlor through Propazine Table 13.\u00a0 Propiconazole through Triasulfuron Table 14.\u00a0 Tribenuron Methyl through Zoxamide\nReferences Cited\nBaker, N.T., and Stone, W.W., 2015, Estimated annual agricultural pesticide use for counties of the conterminous United States, 2008\u201312: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 907, 9 p., accessed July, 12, 2015, at\nStone, W.W., 2013, Estimated annual agricultural pesticide use for counties of the conterminous United States, 1992\u20132009: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 752, 1 p., 14 tables\nThelin, G.P., and Stone, W.W., 2013, Estimation of annual agricultural pesticide use for counties of the conterminous United States, 1992\u20132009: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013\u20135009, 54 p.", "description": "iv, 3 p.", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "U.S. Geological Survey" }, "author": [ { "@type": "Person", "name": "Baker, Nancy T.", "givenName": "Nancy T.", "familyName": "Baker", "email": "", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "ORCID", "value": "0000-0002-7979-5744", "url": "" }, "affiliation": [ { "@type": "Organization", "name": "National Water Quality Program", "url": "" }, { "@type": "Organization", "name": "National Water Quality Assessment Program", "url": "" }, { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Indiana-Kentucky Water Science Center", "url": "https://www.usgs.gov" }, { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Indiana Water Science Center", "url": "https://www.usgs.gov" } ] } ], "funder": [ { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Indiana Water Science Center", "url": "https://www.usgs.gov" } ], "spatialCoverage": [ { "@type": "Place", "additionalType": "country", "name": "United States", "url": "" }, { "@type": "Place", "geo": [ { "@type": "GeoShape", "additionalProperty": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "GeoJSON", "value": { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -97.18505859374999, 25.97779895546436 ], [ -97.42675781249999, 25.878994400196202 ], [ -98.2177734375, 26.115985925333536 ], [ -99.0966796875, 26.47057302237511 ], [ -99.580078125, 27.625140335093324 ], [ -100.283203125, 28.265682390146477 ], [ -100.83251953125, 29.305561325527698 ], [ -101.27197265625, 29.592565403314087 ], [ -101.49169921875, 29.80251790576445 ], [ -102.67822265625, 29.76437737516313 ], [ -103.11767578124999, 29.036960648558267 ], [ -104.47998046875, 29.611670115197377 ], [ -104.7216796875, 29.973970240516614 ], [ -104.69970703125, 30.20211367909724 ], [ -104.9853515625, 30.675715404167743 ], [ -106.12792968749999, 31.44741029142872 ], [ -106.45751953125, 31.80289258670676 ], [ -108.21533203125, 31.784216884487385 ], [ -108.204345703125, 31.344254455668054 ], [ -110.98388671874999, 31.3348710339506 ], [ -114.82910156249999, 32.52828936482526 ], [ -114.7412109375, 32.731840896865684 ], [ -117.13623046874999, 32.54681317351514 ], [ -117.3779296875, 33.211116472416855 ], [ -118.23486328125, 33.779147331286474 ], [ -118.564453125, 34.043556504127444 ], [ -118.94897460937499, 34.052659421375964 ], [ -119.2236328125, 34.161818161230386 ], [ -119.66308593749999, 34.470335121217495 ], [ -120.44311523437499, 34.45221847282654 ], [ -120.640869140625, 34.56990638085636 ], [ -120.673828125, 35.137879119634185 ], [ -121.9482421875, 36.4566360115962 ], [ -121.83837890625, 36.721273880045004 ], [ -121.88232421875, 36.949891786813296 ], [ -122.05810546875, 36.96744946416931 ], [ -122.40966796874999, 37.23032838760387 ], [ -122.56347656249999, 37.71859032558816 ], [ -122.67333984374999, 37.90953361677018 ], [ -123.00292968749999, 37.996162679728116 ], [ -123.02490234375, 38.238180119798635 ], [ -123.74999999999999, 38.92522904714054 ], [ -123.85986328124999, 39.757879992021756 ], [ -124.365234375, 40.27952566881291 ], [ -124.4091796875, 40.463666324587685 ], [ -124.18945312500001, 41.07935114946899 ], [ -124.0576171875, 41.60722821271717 ], [ -124.29931640625, 42.00032514831621 ], [ -124.49707031249999, 42.827638636242284 ], [ -124.16748046874999, 43.83452678223684 ], [ -124.03564453125, 45.058001435398296 ], [ -124.03564453125, 46.30140615437332 ], [ -124.25537109375, 47.41322033016902 ], [ -124.62890625, 47.91634204016118 ], [ -124.69482421875, 48.4146186174932 ], [ -123.96972656249999, 48.188063481211415 ], [ -123.134765625, 48.17341248658084 ], [ -122.78320312499999, 48.246625590713826 ], [ -122.81616210937499, 48.42920055556841 ], [ -123.18969726562499, 48.50204750525715 ], [ -123.24462890625, 48.69096039092549 ], [ -122.728271484375, 48.77067246880509 ], [ -122.82714843749999, 49.001843917978526 ], [ -95.174560546875, 49.01625665778159 ], [ -95.152587890625, 49.38237278700955 ], [ -94.81201171875, 49.31796095602274 ], [ -94.669189453125, 48.777912755501845 ], [ -93.834228515625, 48.63290858589532 ], [ -93.8232421875, 48.516604348867475 ], [ -93.44970703125, 48.56752037390827 ], [ -93.33984375, 48.66194284607008 ], [ -92.59277343749999, 48.531157010976706 ], [ -92.08740234375, 48.37084770238363 ], [ -91.4501953125, 48.06339653776211 ], [ -91.07666015625, 48.19538740833338 ], [ -90.8349609375, 48.23930899024905 ], [ -90.791015625, 48.10743118848039 ], [ -89.62646484375, 48.019324184801185 ], [ -89.3463134765625, 47.98256841921402 ], [ -88.3795166015625, 48.31973404047173 ], [ -84.847412109375, 46.897739085507 ], [ -84.55078125, 46.464349400461124 ], [ -84.4134521484375, 46.49839225859763 ], [ -84.19921875, 46.53619267489863 ], [ -84.1058349609375, 46.51351558059737 ], [ -84.122314453125, 46.320378031062354 ], [ -84.00146484374999, 46.15700496290803 ], [ -83.95751953125, 46.06560846138691 ], [ -83.81469726562499, 46.11132565729796 ], [ -83.6334228515625, 46.11894150610708 ], [ -83.42468261718749, 46.0007775685566 ], [ -83.583984375, 45.82497145796607 ], [ -82.518310546875, 45.32897866218559 ], [ -82.12280273437499, 43.57243174740972 ], [ -82.40295410156249, 43.000629854450025 ], [ -82.474365234375, 42.79136972365016 ], [ -82.5732421875, 42.5611728553181 ], [ -82.8533935546875, 42.370720143531955 ], [ -83.07861328125, 42.32200108060303 ], [ -83.12255859375, 42.14304156290942 ], [ -83.14453125, 42.04521345501039 ], [ -83.07861328125, 41.86956082699455 ], [ -82.6776123046875, 41.68111756290652 ], [ -82.3974609375, 41.68111756290652 ], [ -81.243896484375, 42.21224516288584 ], [ -80.09033203125, 42.39506551565123 ], [ -78.9532470703125, 42.827638636242284 ], [ -78.91754150390625, 42.95039177450287 ], [ -79.06585693359375, 43.092960677116295 ], [ -79.06036376953125, 43.26120612479979 ], [ -79.19769287109375, 43.45291889355465 ], [ -78.6895751953125, 43.632099415557754 ], [ -76.7999267578125, 43.64005063334694 ], [ -76.4483642578125, 44.11125397357153 ], [ -75.7781982421875, 44.51609322284931 ], [ -75.30029296875, 44.84029065139799 ], [ -74.827880859375, 45.02695045318546 ], [ -71.510009765625, 45.02695045318546 ], [ -71.3232421875, 45.29034662473615 ], [ -70.653076171875, 45.42158812329091 ], [ -70.68603515625, 45.537136680398596 ], [ -70.301513671875, 45.920587344733654 ], [ -70.2685546875, 46.240651955001695 ], [ -70.059814453125, 46.40756396630067 ], [ -69.993896484375, 46.694667307773116 ], [ -69.246826171875, 47.46523622438362 ], [ -69.01611328125, 47.4355191531953 ], [ -69.0380859375, 47.26432008025478 ], [ -68.93920898437499, 47.19717795172789 ], [ -68.35693359375, 47.36115300722623 ], [ -67.763671875, 47.06263847995432 ], [ -67.78564453125, 45.706179285330855 ], [ -67.423095703125, 45.5679096098613 ], [ -67.423095703125, 45.22074260255366 ], [ -67.17041015625, 45.174292524076726 ], [ -66.961669921875, 44.85586880735725 ], [ -67.24731445312499, 44.63739123445585 ], [ -68.236083984375, 44.308126684886126 ], [ -68.258056640625, 44.20583500104184 ], [ -69.06005859375, 44.04811573082351 ], [ -69.80712890625, 43.73935207915473 ], [ -70.048828125, 43.78695837311561 ], [ -70.2081298828125, 43.73538317799622 ], [ -70.191650390625, 43.58039085560786 ], [ -70.587158203125, 43.25320494908846 ], [ -70.81787109374999, 42.89206418807337 ], [ -70.76568603515625, 42.70060440808085 ], [ -70.68603515625, 42.66426107379467 ], [ -70.63934326171875, 42.69051116998241 ], [ -70.59814453125, 42.65416193033991 ], [ -70.6585693359375, 42.589488572714245 ], [ -70.8782958984375, 42.54498667313236 ], [ -70.83984375, 42.508552415528634 ], [ -70.9771728515625, 42.44372793752476 ], [ -70.97442626953125, 42.391008609205045 ], [ -70.8343505859375, 42.26917949243506 ], [ -70.75469970703125, 42.24681856113825 ], [ -70.64208984375, 42.07783959017503 ], [ -70.5487060546875, 41.92680320648791 ], [ -70.53497314453125, 41.820455096140314 ], [ -70.42785644531249, 41.74672584176937 ], [ -70.21636962890625, 41.73852846935917 ], [ -70.0323486328125, 41.781552998900345 ], [ -70.0103759765625, 41.85319643776675 ], [ -70.0762939453125, 41.90432124806034 ], [ -70.09277343749999, 42.02889410108475 ], [ -70.16143798828125, 42.05948945192712 ], [ -70.1751708984375, 42.01869237684385 ], [ -70.24932861328125, 42.06356771883277 ], [ -70.22186279296875, 42.07987816698549 ], [ -70.13946533203124, 42.07580094787543 ], [ -70.02960205078125, 42.02889410108475 ], [ -69.96917724609375, 41.916585116228354 ], [ -69.93072509765625, 41.7856490686444 ], [ -69.93072509765625, 41.6770148220322 ], [ -69.971923828125, 41.61338889474735 ], [ -69.949951171875, 41.253032440653186 ], [ -70.11199951171875, 41.23238023874142 ], [ -70.279541015625, 41.304634388885916 ], [ -70.44158935546875, 41.347948493443546 ], [ -70.675048828125, 41.3500103516271 ], [ -70.7684326171875, 41.31494988250963 ], [ -70.7958984375, 41.29844430929419 ], [ -71.03759765625, 41.49623534616764 ], [ -71.10076904296875, 41.50034959128928 ], [ -71.180419921875, 41.46125371076149 ], [ -71.3616943359375, 41.45507852101139 ], [ -71.44683837890625, 41.43654942411456 ], [ -71.4935302734375, 41.36031866306708 ], [ -71.531982421875, 41.16004614168688 ], [ -71.97967529296874, 41.01928287604565 ], [ -72.86956787109375, 40.724364221722716 ], [ -73.33099365234375, 40.61812224225511 ], [ -73.75946044921875, 40.58267063809529 ], [ -73.92425537109375, 40.543026009954986 ], [ -73.9874267578125, 40.46993497635153 ], [ -73.96820068359375, 40.319325896602095 ], [ -74.07806396484375, 39.928694653732364 ], [ -74.1357421875, 39.631076770083666 ], [ -74.3994140625, 39.364032338047984 ], [ -74.6356201171875, 39.21948715423953 ], [ -74.8004150390625, 38.96795115401593 ], [ -74.96520996093749, 38.929502416386605 ], [ -75.07507324218749, 38.775499003812946 ], [ -75.0421142578125, 38.47939467327645 ], [ -75.16845703124999, 38.004819966413194 ], [ -75.574951171875, 37.65773212628274 ], [ -75.882568359375, 37.16907157713011 ], [ -75.9814453125, 36.88840804313823 ], [ -75.706787109375, 36.16448788632064 ], [ -75.443115234375, 35.7019167328534 ], [ -75.52001953125, 35.22767235493586 ], [ -76.00341796875, 35.10193405724606 ], [ -76.519775390625, 34.6241677899049 ], [ -76.783447265625, 34.66935854524543 ], [ -77.2119140625, 34.58799745550482 ], [ -77.596435546875, 34.37064492478658 ], [ -77.87109375, 34.043556504127444 ], [ -77.93701171875, 33.797408767572485 ], [ -78.167724609375, 33.87041555094183 ], [ -78.662109375, 33.8430453147447 ], [ -79.013671875, 33.568861182555565 ], [ -79.156494140625, 33.32134852669881 ], [ -79.1455078125, 33.201924189778936 ], [ -79.69482421875, 32.7872745269555 ], [ -80.43090820312499, 32.47269502206151 ], [ -80.44189453125, 32.32427558887655 ], [ -80.83740234375, 32.0732655510424 ], [ -81.265869140625, 31.42866311735861 ], [ -81.419677734375, 30.760718908944472 ], [ -81.34277343749999, 29.99300228455108 ], [ -80.936279296875, 29.1233732108192 ], [ -80.52978515625, 28.488005204159457 ], [ -80.606689453125, 28.372068829631633 ], [ -80.474853515625, 27.848790459862073 ], [ -80.068359375, 26.95145308349826 ], [ -80.079345703125, 26.2145910237943 ], [ -80.167236328125, 25.37380917154398 ], [ -80.79345703125, 24.87646991083154 ], [ -80.9033203125, 24.856534339310674 ], [ -81.177978515625, 25.21488107113259 ], [ -81.2548828125, 25.54244147012483 ], [ -81.551513671875, 25.878994400196202 ], [ -81.67236328125, 25.86910939099931 ], [ -81.89208984375, 26.441065564038418 ], [ -82.11181640625, 26.43122806450644 ], [ -82.298583984375, 26.833874515058554 ], [ -82.63916015625, 27.371767300523047 ], [ -82.869873046875, 27.89734922968426 ], [ -82.72705078125, 28.391400375817753 ], [ -82.7490234375, 29.046565622728846 ], [ -83.023681640625, 29.180941290001776 ], [ -83.8916015625, 30.0405664305846 ], [ -84.3310546875, 30.097613277217132 ], [ -84.320068359375, 29.907329376851553 ], [ -85.05615234375, 29.592565403314087 ], [ -85.36376953125, 29.66896252599253 ], [ -86.02294921875, 30.29701788337205 ], [ -87.03369140625, 30.372875188118016 ], [ -88.17626953125, 30.221101852485987 ], [ -89.27490234375, 30.240086360983426 ], [ -89.31884765624999, 29.76437737516313 ], [ -89.47265625, 29.554345125748267 ], [ -88.9013671875, 29.267232865200878 ], [ -89.27490234375, 28.8831596093235 ], [ -89.69238281249999, 29.209713225868185 ], [ -90.2197265625, 29.075375179558346 ], [ -91.01074218749999, 29.0945770775118 ], [ -91.4501953125, 29.34387539941801 ], [ -92.46093749999999, 29.53522956294847 ], [ -93.44970703125, 29.726222319395504 ], [ -94.52636718749999, 29.477861195816843 ], [ -95.2294921875, 29.05616970274342 ], [ -96.064453125, 28.5941685062326 ], [ -96.767578125, 28.16887518006332 ], [ -97.27294921875, 27.68352808378776 ], [ -97.3388671875, 26.980828590472107 ], [ -97.18505859374999, 25.97779895546436 ] ] ] } } ] } } }, { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": 39.505747259696946, "longitude": -99.00054945623889 } ] } ] } }, "OpenAlex": { "abstract_inverted_index": { "First": [ 0 ], "posted": [ 1 ], "October": [ 2 ], "5,": [ 3 ], "2015": [ 4 ], "For": [ 5 ], "additional": [ 6 ], "information,": [ 7 ], "contact:": [ 8 ], "Director,": [ 9 ], "Indiana": [ 10 ], "Water": [ 11 ], "Science": [ 12 ], "Center": [ 13 ], "5957": [ 14 ], "Lakeside": [ 15 ], "Blvd.": [ 16 ], "Indianapolis,": [ 17 ], "IN": [ 18 ], "46278": [ 19 ], "": [ 20 ], "This": [ 21 ], "report": [ 22, 129 ], "provides": [ 23 ], "preliminary": [ 24 ], "estimates": [ 25, 126, 206, 218, 266 ], "of": [ 26, 30, 36, 46, 61, 137, 153, 158, 200, 219, 267, 328, 358, 381, 388 ], "annual": [ 27, 159, 322, 352, 382 ], "agricultural": [ 28, 160, 323, 353, 383 ], "use": [ 29, 97, 162, 325, 355, 385 ], "387": [ 31 ], "pesticide": [ 32, 82, 96, 161, 221, 225, 269, 273, 324, 354, 384 ], "compounds": [ 33 ], "in": [ 34, 41, 49, 70, 106, 127, 141, 155, 190 ], "counties": [ 35, 327, 357, 387 ], "the": [ 37, 142, 150, 201, 329, 359, 389 ], "conterminous": [ 38, 330, 360, 390 ], "United": [ 39, 331, 361, 391 ], "States": [ 40 ], "2013,": [ 42, 350, 379 ], "compiled": [ 43 ], "by": [ 44, 149, 172, 208, 224, 272 ], "means": [ 45 ], "methods": [ 47 ], "described": [ 48 ], "Thelin": [ 50 ], "and": [ 51, 54, 56, 109, 122, 188, 203, 211, 213, 317, 376 ], "Stone": [ 52, 57, 209, 214 ], "(2013)": [ 53, 210 ], "Baker": [ 55, 212 ], "(2015).": [ 58 ], "U.S.": [ 59, 151, 334, 364, 394 ], "Department": [ 60, 152 ], "Agriculture": [ 62, 154 ], "county-level": [ 63, 81 ], "data": [ 64, 78, 88, 120 ], "for": [ 65, 326, 356, 386 ], "harvested-crop": [ 66 ], "acreage": [ 67 ], "were": [ 68, 89, 93, 99 ], "used": [ 69 ], "conjunction": [ 71 ], "with": [ 72, 101 ], "proprietary": [ 73 ], "Crop": [ 74, 85 ], "Reporting": [ 75, 86 ], "District-level": [ 76 ], "pesticide-use": [ 77, 205 ], "to": [ 79, 132, 146 ], "estimate": [ 80, 112 ], "use.": [ 83 ], "Where": [ 84 ], "District": [ 87 ], "not": [ 90 ], "available": [ 91 ], "or": [ 92 ], "incomplete,": [ 94 ], "estimated": [ 95 ], "values": [ 98 ], "calculated": [ 100 ], "two": [ 102 ], "different": [ 103, 115 ], "methods,": [ 104 ], "resulting": [ 105 ], "a": [ 107, 110, 198 ], "low": [ 108 ], "high": [ 111 ], "based": [ 113 ], "on": [ 114 ], "assumptions": [ 116 ], "about": [ 117 ], "missing": [ 118 ], "survey": [ 119 ], "(Thelin": [ 121 ], "Stone,": [ 123, 318, 348, 377 ], "2013).": [ 124 ], "Preliminary": [ 125 ], "this": [ 128 ], "are": [ 130, 163, 170, 197 ], "expected": [ 131 ], "be": [ 133, 147 ], "revised": [ 134 ], "upon": [ 135 ], "availability": [ 136 ], "updated": [ 138 ], "crop": [ 139 ], "acreages": [ 140 ], "2017": [ 143 ], "Agricultural": [ 144 ], "Census,": [ 145 ], "published": [ 148 ], "2019.": [ 156 ], "Estimates": [ 157 ], "provided": [ 164 ], "as": [ 165 ], "downloadable,": [ 166 ], "tab-delimited": [ 167 ], "files,": [ 168, 194 ], "which": [ 169 ], "organized": [ 171 ], "compound,": [ 173 ], "year,": [ 174 ], "state": [ 175 ], "Federal": [ 176, 183 ], "Information": [ 177, 184 ], "Processing": [ 178, 185 ], "Standard": [ 179, 186 ], "(FIPS)": [ 180 ], "code,": [ 181, 187 ], "county": [ 182, 220, 268 ], "amount": [ 189 ], "kilograms": [ 191 ], "(kg).": [ 192 ], "The": [ 193 ], "listed": [ 195 ], "below,": [ 196 ], "continuation": [ 199 ], 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