Item talk:Q54118

From geokb


 "USGS Staff Profile": {
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   "description": [
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       "abstract": "Biologist with the Alaska Science Center",
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       "abstract": "Kimberly Kloecker (she/her/hers) is a marine biologist at the Alaska Science Center and is part of the Nearshore Marine Ecosystem Research Program. Her work centers on sea otter behavior, ecology, and health. Kim is involved with USGS Diversity and Inclusion activities and works to involve students, interns, and volunteers in USGS Nearshore research.",
       "additionalType": "staff profile page introductory statement"
   "email": "",
   "hasCredential": [
       "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
       "name": "M.S.        1993        University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA        Marine Science"
       "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
       "name": "B.S.         1989        Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI                     Biology"
   "hasOccupation": [
       "@type": "OrganizationalRole",
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         "name": "Alaska Science Center",
         "url": ""
       "roleName": "Biologist",
       "startDate": "2024-05-10T20:59:40.215442"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "1998 - Present        Ecologist, USGS, Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "1996 - 1998             Statistical Assistant, USGS, Alaska Biological Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "1993 - 1995              Peace Corps Volunteer, U.S. Peace Corps, Fiji"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "1992 - 1992             Specialist, R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer Weddell Sea, Antarctica"
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   "jobTitle": "Biologist",
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       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "Nearshore Marine Ecosystems"
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "Ecology and physiology of sea otters"
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "contaminants and biomarkers"
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       "name": "U.S. Geological Survey"
     "name": "staff member",
     "startDate": "2024-05-10T20:59:40.211946"
   "name": "Kimberly A Kloecker",
   "url": ""
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         "name": "Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Sea Otter Forage Data, 1993-2019"
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         "name": "Revealing the extent of sea otter impacts on bivalve prey through multi\u2010trophic monitoring and mechanistic models"
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         "name": "Brown bear\u2013sea otter interactions along the Katmai coast: terrestrial and nearshore communities linked by predation"
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         "name": "Divergent Gene Expression Profiles in Alaskan Sea Otters: An Indicator of Chronic Domoic Acid Exposure?"
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         "name": "Genetic variation in sea otters (Enhydra lutris) from the North Pacific with relevance to the threatened Southwest Alaska Distinct Population Segment"
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         "name": "Sea otter population collapse in southwest Alaska: assessing ecological covariates, consequences, and causal factors"
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         "name": "Morphometric and Reproductive Status Data for Sea Otters Collected or Captured in Alaska"
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           "value": "10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.04.007"
         "name": "Timelines and mechanisms of wildlife population recovery following the Exxon Valdez oil spill"
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         "name": "Gulf Watch Alaska Nearshore Component:  Eelgrass Bed Monitoring Data from Prince William Sound, Katmai National Park and Preserve, and Kenai Fjords National Park, 2008-2016"
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         "name": "Gulf Watch Alaska Nearshore Component:  Marine Bird and Mammal Survey Data from Katmai National Park and Preserve, and Kenai Fjords National Park, 2012-2016"
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     "K. A. Kloecker",
     "Heather A. Coletti Kimberly A. Kloecker",
     "K Kloecker",
     "Kim Kloecker",
     "Kimberly A. Kloecker",
     "Kimberly A. Kloecker Daniel H. Monson"
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   "updated_date": "2024-05-22T14:25:04.554785"
