Item talk:Q50317

From geokb


 "USGS Staff Profile": {
   "@context": "",
   "@type": "Person",
   "dateModified": "2024-09-21T07:59:19.132536",
   "name": "Molly S Wood",
   "identifier": [
       "@type": "PropertyValue",
       "propertyID": "ORCID",
       "value": "0000-0002-5184-8306"
   "jobTitle": "Deputy Director (Acting), Observing Systems Division",
   "hasOccupation": [
       "@type": "OrganizationalRole",
       "startDate": "2024-09-21T07:59:19.144308",
       "affiliatedOrganization": {
         "@type": "Organization",
         "name": "Water Resources Mission Area",
         "url": ""
       "roleName": "Deputy Director (Acting), Observing Systems Division"
       "@type": "OrganizationalRole",
       "startDate": "2024-09-21T07:59:19.144317",
       "affiliatedOrganization": {
         "@type": "Organization",
         "name": "Water Resources Mission Area",
         "url": ""
       "roleName": "Chief, Hydrologic Networks Branch"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "October 2023 \u2013 present: Chief of the Hydrologic Networks Branch, USGS Water Resources Mission Area, Boise, ID"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "January 2023 \u2013 October 2023: Acting Chief of the International Science Collaboration Branch, USGS Office of International Programs, Boise, ID"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "November 2020 \u2013 January 2023: Acting Chief of the Hydrologic Networks Branch, USGS Water Resources Mission Area, Boise, ID"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "January 2016 \u2013 January 2023: National Sediment Specialist/Senior Scientist, USGS Water Resources Mission Area, Boise, ID"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "March 2007 \u2013 January 2016: Surface Water Specialist, USGS Idaho Water Science Center, Boise, ID"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "February 2015 \u2013 June 2015: Acting Deputy Director, USGS Idaho Water Science Center, Boise, ID"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "January 2006 \u2013 February 2007: Adjunct Professor, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "May 2002 \u2013 March 2007: Hydrologist, USGS Florida Integrated Science Center, Orlando, FL"
       "@type": "Occupation",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
       "name": "August 2000 \u2013 May 2002: Water Resources Engineer, Science Applications International Corporation, Oak Ridge, TN"
   "description": [
       "@type": "TextObject",
       "additionalType": "short description",
       "abstract": "Deputy Director (Acting), Observing Systems Division with the Water Resources Mission Area"
       "@type": "TextObject",
       "additionalType": "staff profile page introductory statement",
       "abstract": "Molly Wood is the Acting Deputy Director of the Observing Systems Division and Chief of the Hydrologic Networks Branch."
       "@type": "TextObject",
       "additionalType": "personal statement",
       "abstract": "Molly is a Senior Hydrologist and Branch Chief for the USGS\u2019 Water Resources Mission Area Headquarters. She has an educational background in Civil and Environmental Engineering and has worked in both the private consulting and federal government sectors. She helps set national policies for water resources monitoring, advises on funding priorities, provides expert advice and training, and develops innovative water monitoring techniques to inform water resource management decisions. Previous USGS roles include serving as a Hydrologist for the Florida Integrated Science Center working on the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, a Hydrologist and Surface Water Specialist for\u202fthe Idaho Water Science Center, the National Sediment Specialist for the Water Resources Mission Area, and the acting Chief of the USGS Office of International Programs\u2019 Branch of International Science Collaboration.\u202fShe has provided technical assistance with hydrologic data collection and research to government agencies and organizations across the world.."
   "email": "",
   "url": "",
   "affiliation": [],
   "hasCredential": [
       "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
       "name": "M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2000"
       "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
       "name": "B.S. in Civil Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1998"
       "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
       "name": "International studies, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, 1997"
       "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
       "name": "International studies, National Outdoor Leadership School, Chilean Patagonia, 1996"
       "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
       "name": "Registered Professional Engineer, Florida"
   "knowsAbout": [
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "Sediment transport"
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "Sediment data collection"
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "Sediment surrogates"
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       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
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       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
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       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "Hydrology"
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "Geomorphology"
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "Streamflow"
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       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "Statistical hydrology"
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
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       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "Water monitoring networks"
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "Water budgets"
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "Flood frequency"
   "memberOf": {
     "@type": "OrganizationalRole",
     "name": "staff member",
     "member": {
       "@type": "Organization",
       "name": "U.S. Geological Survey"
     "startDate": "2024-09-21T07:59:19.132545"
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         "name": "Estimating peak-flow frequency statistics for selected gaged and ungaged sites in naturally flowing streams and rivers in Idaho"
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         "name": "Evaluation of seepage and discharge uncertainty in the middle Snake River, southwestern Idaho"
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         "name": "Streamflow statistics for development of water rights claims for the Jarbidge Wild and Scenic River, Owyhee Canyonlands Wilderness, Idaho, 2013-14: a supplement to Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5212"
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         "name": "Sediment transport in the lower Snake and Clearwater River Basins, Idaho and Washington, 2008\u201311"
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         "name": "Bathymetry and capacity of Blackfoot Reservoir, Caribou County, Idaho, 2011"
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         "name": "Concentrations and loads of nutrients in the tributaries of the Lake Okeechobee watershed, south-central Florida, water years 2004-2008"
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       "@type": "Organization",
       "alternateName": "Water Mission Area Headquarters",
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       "@type": "Organization",
       "alternateName": "Water Mission Area Headquarters",
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         "display_name": "University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School",
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         "display_name": "Environmental Science"
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         "id": "",
         "display_name": "Physical Sciences"
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