Item talk:Q49675
From geokb
"USGS Staff Profile": { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "dateModified": "2024-09-21T07:58:20.276008", "name": "Rose J. Swift, PhD", "identifier": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "ORCID", "value": "0000-0001-7044-6196" } ], "jobTitle": "Research Ecologist", "hasOccupation": [ { "@type": "OrganizationalRole", "startDate": "2024-09-21T07:58:20.281715", "affiliatedOrganization": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center", "url": "" }, "roleName": "Research Ecologist" }, { "@type": "Occupation", "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience", "name": "Research Ecologist, USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center" } ], "description": [ { "@type": "TextObject", "additionalType": "short description", "abstract": "Research Ecologist with the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center" }, { "@type": "TextObject", "additionalType": "staff profile page introductory statement", "abstract": "Rose J. Swift is a Research Ecologist with the USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center in Jamestown, North Dakota." }, { "@type": "TextObject", "additionalType": "personal statement", "abstract": "Dr. Swift works with the federally threatened Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) building a demographic life-cycle model to understand metapopulation dynamics of plovers breeding in the northern Great Plains. A primary focus of her work is with the Great Plains Least Tern and Piping Plover Research Team to understand population dynamics and effects of management actions on Least Terns and Piping Plovers on large-river and depressional-wetland systems." } ], "email": "", "url": "", "affiliation": [], "hasCredential": [ { "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential", "name": "Ph.D. Natural Resources & Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, 2018" }, { "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential", "name": "M.S. Natural Resources & Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, 2016" }, { "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential", "name": "B.S. Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis, 2010" } ], "knowsAbout": [ { "@type": "Thing", "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise", "name": "Avian Ecology" }, { "@type": "Thing", "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise", "name": "Conservation Biology" }, { "@type": "Thing", "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise", "name": "Demography" }, { "@type": "Thing", "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise", "name": "Migratory Species" }, { "@type": "Thing", "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise", "name": "Shorebird Biology" } ], "memberOf": { "@type": "OrganizationalRole", "name": "staff member", "member": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "U.S. Geological Survey" }, "startDate": "2024-09-21T07:58:20.276012" } }, "ORCID": { "@context": "", "@id": "", "@reverse": { "creator": [ { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1002/2688-8319.12308" }, "name": "Assessing trade\u2010offs in developing a landscape\u2010scale nest monitoring programme for a threatened shorebird" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1111/ibi.13194" }, "name": "Perceived risks and rewards of foraging sites strongly affect density and condition of non\u2010breeding Hudsonian Godwits" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1002/ecs2.4524" }, "name": "Conspecific density and habitat quality affect breeding habitat selection: Support for the social attraction hypothesis" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "source-work-id", "value": "22094378" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.6084/m9.figshare.22094378" } ], "name": "Dataset: Perceived risks and rewards of foraging sites strongly affect density and condition of nonbreeding Hudsonian Godwits" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1002/ecy.3743" }, "name": "Dynamic sensitivity to resource availability influences population responses to mismatches in a shorebird" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1002/ecs2.4190" }, "name": "Implications of habitat\u2010driven survival and dispersal on recruitment in a spatially structured piping plover population" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1111/1365-2656.13679" }, "name": "Behavioural adjustments in the social associations of a precocial shorebird mediate the costs and benefits of grouping decisions" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1002/jwmg.22139" }, "name": "Experimental evaluation of predator exclosures on nest, chick, and adult survival of piping plovers" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1186/s40462-021-00293-3" }, "name": "Dispersal distance is driven by habitat availability and reproductive success in Northern Great Plains piping plovers" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.3133/ofr20201152" }, "name": "Spatial variation in population dynamics of northern Great Plains piping plovers" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1101/2020.12.22.423968" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "other-id", "value": "ppr257208" } ], "name": "The anatomy of a phenological mismatch: interacting consumer demand and resource characteristics determine the consequences of mismatching" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1111/oik.07256" }, "name": "Asymmetric benefits of a heterospecific breeding association vary with habitat, conspecific abundance and breeding stage" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1111/1365-2656.13246" }, "name": "Seasonal survival and reversible state effects in a long\u2010distance migratory shorebird" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1093/condor/duz066" }, "name": "Low renesting propensity and reproductive success make renesting unproductive for the threatened Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus)" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1126/science.aaw8529" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "eid", "value": "2-s2.0-85067619129" } ], "name": "Comment on \u201cGlobal pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds\u201d" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.3133/ofr20181176" }, "name": "Demographic responses of least terns and piping plovers to the 2011 Missouri River flood\u2014A large-scale case study" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1093/beheco/ary042" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "eid", "value": "2-s2.0-85051241722" } ], "name": "Context-dependent costs and benefits of a heterospecific nesting association" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "identifier": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "doi", "value": "10.1007/s00300-017-2101-8" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "eid", "value": "2-s2.0-85015890180" } ], "name": "Breeding habitat of a declining shorebird in a changing environment" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", 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