Item talk:Q49473

From geokb


 "USGS Staff Profile": {
   "@context": "",
   "@type": "Person",
   "dateModified": "2024-09-21T07:58:33.514500",
   "name": "Jeffrey Spendelow, Ph.D.",
   "identifier": [
       "@type": "PropertyValue",
       "propertyID": "ORCID",
       "value": "0000-0001-8167-0898"
   "jobTitle": "Scientist Emeritus",
   "hasOccupation": [
       "@type": "OrganizationalRole",
       "startDate": "2024-09-21T07:58:33.520244",
       "affiliatedOrganization": {
         "@type": "Organization",
         "name": "Eastern Ecological Science Center",
         "url": ""
       "roleName": "Scientist Emeritus"
   "description": [
       "@type": "TextObject",
       "additionalType": "short description",
       "abstract": "Scientist Emeritus with the Eastern Ecological Science Center"
       "@type": "TextObject",
       "additionalType": "staff profile page introductory statement",
       "abstract": "Jeff Spendelow is an Scientist Emeritus at the Eastern Ecological Science Center in Laurel, MD"
       "@type": "TextObject",
       "additionalType": "personal statement",
       "abstract": "From 1982-1984 he worked as a Wildlife Biologist/Ecologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service\u2019s (USFWS) National  Coastal Ecosystems Team in Slidell, LA after receiving his Ph.D. (1980) and B.S. (1972) degrees in Biology from Yale University. In 2008 he was elected as a Fellow of the American Ornithologists\u2019 Union, and he has been a Life Member of the AOU and several other ornithological societies since the 1970s. He has been the Director of PWRC\u2019s Cooperative Roseate Tern Metapopulation Project (the CRTMP) ever since organizing it in 1987, and is the USGS member and Chair of the Technical Working Group of the USFWS\u2019s Recovery Team for the endangered NW Atlantic breeding population of Roseate Terns."
   "email": "",
   "url": "",
   "affiliation": [],
   "hasCredential": [],
   "knowsAbout": [
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "animals"
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "endangered species"
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "wildlife"
       "@type": "Thing",
       "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
       "name": "wildlife population management"
   "memberOf": {
     "@type": "OrganizationalRole",
     "name": "staff member",
     "member": {
       "@type": "Organization",
       "name": "U.S. Geological Survey"
     "startDate": "2024-09-21T07:58:33.514511"
 "ORCID": {
   "@context": "",
   "@id": "",
   "@reverse": {},
   "@type": "Person",
   "affiliation": {
     "@type": "Organization",
     "identifier": {
       "@type": "PropertyValue",
       "propertyID": "RINGGOLD",
       "value": "67154"
     "name": "US Geological Survey Patuxent Wildlife Research Center"
   "alumniOf": {
     "@type": "Organization",
     "alternateName": "Biology",
     "identifier": {
       "@type": "PropertyValue",
       "propertyID": "RINGGOLD",
       "value": "5755"
     "name": "Yale University"
   "familyName": "Spendelow",
   "givenName": "Jeffrey",
   "mainEntityOfPage": ""
