Item talk:Q48536

From geokb


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       "name": "2009-2016 Research Soil Scientist (RGE), USGS, California Water Science Center, Sacramento"
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       "name": "2007-2009  Soil Scientist, USGS, California Water Science Center,  Sacramento"
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       "name": "2000-2004  Graduate Research Assistant, University of New Hampshire"
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       "name": "1998-2000  Graduate Research Assistant, University of Maine"
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       "name": "2000 M.S., Plant, Soil and Environmental Science, University of Maine, Orono.  Thesis: Inferences from soil chemical properties on linkages between soil and surface water in Maine forested waters"
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       "name": "1998 B.S., Environmental Science (Soil Science minor), University of New Hampshire, Durham"
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       "display_name": "Environmental Impact of Heavy Metal Contamination",
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       "display_name": "Marine Microbial Diversity and Biogeography",
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   "updated_date": "2024-05-19T01:30:46.212941"
