Item talk:Q47964

From geokb


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         "abstract": "Deputy Center Director with the Idaho Water Science Center",
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         "abstract": "Christopher Mebane is the Deputy Center Director of the USGS Idaho Water Science Center in Boise, Idaho.",
         "additionalType": "staff profile page introductory statement"
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         "abstract": "Chris describes himself as a \"dirty water biologist\" with interests and experience in water pollution ecology in streams, that is, relating human-influences on stream environments to biological effects and estimating risks of adverse effects. His recent interests and work have included effects of mining and trace elements on stream ecosystems, developing biotic ligand models (BLMs) to predict effects of metal mixtures in natural waters, and studies of nutrient enrichments and eutrophication in streams.His professional interests and experience are focused on water pollution ecology in streams, that is, relating human-influences on stream environments to biological effects and estimating risks of adverse effects.  Particular areas of interests include:Effects of nutrient enrichment on stream ecosystems.  Particular aspects of interest include 1) factors limiting nuisance growth in rooted aquatic plants vs. algae, 2) integrating experimental and field bioassessment information between factors such nutrients, flows, algae and plants.Ecological risk assessment, in particular predicting risks, adverse effects, and safe concentrations of trace metals in freshwater ecosystems. Particular aspects of interest include 1) water quality criteria development; 2) expanding the use of predictive toxicity models, with a recent emphasis on the biotic ligand model (BLM) with cadmium, cobalt, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc; 3) relating ecotoxicology testing to natural systems through population modeling or field studies.Use of aquatic bioassessment or biomonitoring techniques to interpret changing environmental conditions.",
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     "name": "Christopher Mebane",
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