Item talk:Q46851

From geokb


 "USGS Staff Profile": {
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   "dateModified": "2024-09-21T07:57:12.570791",
   "name": "Patrick L Hudson, PhD",
   "identifier": [
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       "value": "0000-0002-7646-443X"
   "jobTitle": "Scientist Emeritus",
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       "startDate": "2024-09-21T07:57:12.576729",
       "affiliatedOrganization": {
         "@type": "Organization",
         "name": "Great Lakes Science Center",
         "url": ""
       "roleName": "Scientist Emeritus"
   "description": [
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       "additionalType": "short description",
       "abstract": "Scientist Emeritus with the Great Lakes Science Center"
       "@type": "TextObject",
       "additionalType": "staff profile page introductory statement",
       "abstract": "Patrick Hudson is a Scientist Emeritus based in Ann Arbor, MI."
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   "url": "",
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   "memberOf": {
     "@type": "OrganizationalRole",
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     "member": {
       "@type": "Organization",
       "name": "U.S. Geological Survey"
     "startDate": "2024-09-21T07:57:12.570800"
 "ORCID": {
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           "propertyID": "doi",
           "value": "10.11646/zootaxa.5419.2.4"
         "name": "Parachaetocladius lenferringtoni (Diptera: Chironomidae), a new orthoclad from North America, with keys to adult males and pupae of the Nearctic Parachaetocladius (W\u00fclker, 1959)"
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           "value": "10.11646/zootaxa.5325.4.7"
         "name": "Alaskacladius gen. nov., (Diptera: Chironomidae), a unique new orthoclad from Alaska"
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           "propertyID": "doi",
           "value": "10.11646/zootaxa.5249.1.6"
         "name": "Zavrelia parapentatoma (Chironomidae: Diptera), a curious new species from North America, revealed by molecular methods"
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           "value": "10.11646/zootaxa.5182.2.5"
         "name": "Reevaluation of the genus Cyclops M\u00fcller, 1776 (Cyclopoida: Cyclopidae) in the Laurentian Great Lakes basin: first report of the Palearctic species Cyclops divergens Lindberg, 1936 from Lake Erie and documentation of Cyclops sibiricus Lindberg, 1949 in the St. Marys River"
         "@id": "",
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         "identifier": {
           "@type": "PropertyValue",
           "propertyID": "doi",
           "value": "10.11646/zootaxa.5099.1.5"
         "name": "Two new Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) collected in overlooked places of Midwest USA"
         "@id": "",
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         "identifier": {
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           "propertyID": "doi",
           "value": "10.1016/j.jglr.2016.07.013"
         "name": "Observations of cocooned Hydrobaenus (Diptera: Chironomidae) larvae in Lake Michigan"
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         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "identifier": {
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           "propertyID": "doi",
           "value": "10.1016/j.jglr.2016.04.001"
         "name": "Eurytemora carolleeae  in the Laurentian Great Lakes revealed by phylogenetic and morphological analysis"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Morphological identification and COI barcodes of adult flies help determine species identities of chironomid larvae (Diptera, Chironomidae)"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Collections of non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Center Lake, Osceola, County, Michigan, including new state records"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Comment on \ufffdRate of species introductions in the Great Lakes via ships\ufffd ballast water and sediments\ufffd"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Additions to the Aquatic Diptera (Chaoboridae, Chironomidae, Tabanidae, Tipulidae) Fauna of the White River National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Habitat selection by two species of burrowing mayfly nymphs in the Les Cheneaux Islands region of northern Lake Huron"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Occurrence of Ergasilus megaceros Wilson, 1916, in the sea lamprey and other fishes from North America"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Free-living and parasitic copepods of the Laurentian Great Lakes: keys and details on individual species"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "The Oligochaeta (Annelida, Clitellata) of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes region: an update"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "First record of Neoergasilus japonicus (Poecilostomatoida: Ergasilidae), a parasitic copepod new to the Laurentian Great Lakes"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Hydrologic variability and the application of index of biotic integrity metrics to wetlands: a Great Lakes evaluation"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "New midwestern state records of aquatic Hemiptera (Corixidae: Notonectidae)"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Northwestward range extension for Diacyclops harryi (Crustacea: Copepoda)"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Wetland macroinvertebrates of Prentiss Bay, Lake Huron, Michigan: diversity and functional group composition"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) of fringing wetlands of the Laurentian Great Lakes"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Population structure and burrow dynamics of Mayflies in Northern Lake Huron."
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Reviews"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "A list of Michigan Corixidae (Hemiptera) with four new state records from the Great Lakes of Michigan"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Morphological deformities in larval Chironomidae (Diptera) from the Western Basin of Lake Erie: A historical comparison"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Predation on lake trout eggs and fry: a modeling approach"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Cyclopoid and harpacticoid copepods of the Laurentian Great Lakes"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Sieve efficiency in benthic sampling as related to chironomid head capsule width"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "A revised annotated checklist of the Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) of the Southeastern United States"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Conditions for the return and simulation of the recovery of burrowing mayflies in western Lake Erie"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Baseline risk assessment for aquatic life for the Buffalo River, New York, Area of Concern"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Feeding competition between larval lake whitefish and lake herring"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Limitations to lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) rehabilitation in the Great Lakes imposed by biotic interactions occurring at early life stages"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Predator-prey relations and competition for food between age-0 lake trout and slimy sculpins in the Apostle Island region of Lake Superior"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Effects of pulsed turbidity and vessel traffic on lake herring eggs and larvae"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "New records of Ergasilus (Copepoda: Ergasilidae) in the Laurentian Great Lakes, including a lakewide review of records and host associations"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Review of habitat classification schemes appropriate to streams, rivers, and connecting channels in the Great Lakes drainage system"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Distribution and abundance of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in the St. Clair-Detroit River system"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology, Distribution, and Habitat."
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Hydrological, morphometrical, and biological characteristics of the connecting rivers of the international Great Lakes: a review"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Submersed macrophyte communities before and after an episodic ice jam in the St. Clair and Detroit rivers"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Thermal and dissolved oxygen characteristics of a South Carolina cooling reservoir"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Unusual larval habitats and life history of Chironomid (Diptera) genera"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Benthic community of the Savannah River below a peaking hydropower station"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Distribution and habitat of Nitellopsis obtusa (Characeae) in the Laurentian Great Lakes"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Environmental Studies of Macrozoobenthos, Aquatic Macrophytes, and Juvenile Fishes in the St. Clair-Detroit River System, 1983-1984"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "The North American Benthological Society"
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         "name": "Environmental and Water Quality Operational Studies. Prey Selection and Feeding Patterns of Fish in a Southern United States Hydropower Tailwater."
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Food And Feeding Of Fish In Hartwell Reservoir Tailwater, Georgia-South Carolina1 D. Hugh Barwick, 2 US Department of the lnterior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Reservoir lnvestigations, Clemson, SC 29631"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Food and feeding of fish in Hartwell Reservoir tailwater, Georgia-South Carolina"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Prey selection and feeding patterns of fish in a southern United States hydropower tailwater"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Invertebrate drift and particulate organic material transport in the Savannah River below Lake Hartwell during a peak power generation cycle"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Movement, Transport, and Scour of Particulate Organic Matter and Aquatic Invertebrates Downstream from a Peaking Hydropower Project."
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Portable suction sampler for quantitatively sampling macroinvertebrates and periphyton on bedrock"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Larva and pupa of Cernotina spicata"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Manipulation of reservoir discharge to enhance tailwater fisheries."
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Predictions of effects of pumped storage hydroelectric operations on trout habitat in Jocassee Reservoir, South Carolina"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Effects of a pumped storage hydroelectric plant on reservoir trout habitat"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula): growth and food of young of the year and a suggested technique for measuring length"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Effects of a reduced fall drawdown on benthos abundance in Lake Francis Case"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "The influence of sieve mesh size selectivity on benthic invertebrate indices of eutrophication"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Production and standing crop of Hexagenia (Ephemeroptera) in a large reservoir"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Chironomidae (Diptera) of South Dakota"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Lewis and Clark Lake tailwater biota and some relations of the tailwater and reservoir fish populations"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Quantitative sampling with three benthic dredges"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "A Device for Determining Sedimentation Rates in Reservoirs"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Some environmental factors influencing benthic invertebrates in two Missouri River reservoirs"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Distribution and abundance of phytoplankton and rotifers in a main stem Missouri River reservoir"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
         "name": "Hydrological, Morphometrical, and Biological Characteristics of the Connecting Rivers of the Internatio (Great lakes: A Review1"
         "@type": "CreativeWork",
   "@type": "Person",
   "familyName": "Hudson",
   "givenName": "Patrick",
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     "P. L. Hudson",
     "Patrick Hudson"
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       "display_name": "Length-Weight Relationships of Fish Species",
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       "display_name": "DNA Barcoding for Lepidoptera Taxonomy and Evolution",
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       "display_name": "Species Distribution Modeling and Climate Change Impacts",
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       "display_name": "Phylogeny and Evolution of Coleoptera Beetles",
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       "display_name": "Paleoceanography and Geology of the Black Sea",
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       "display_name": "Evolutionary Patterns in Subterranean Environments",
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       "display_name": "Ecology and Management of Stink Bugs",
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       "display_name": "Ecological Dynamics of Marine Environments",
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       "display_name": "Entomopathogenic Fungi as Biocontrol Agents",
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       "display_name": "Aquatic Ecotoxicology and Biomarkers of Pollution",
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         "display_name": "Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis",
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       "display_name": "Application of Stable Isotopes in Trophic Ecology",
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       "field": {
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       "subfield": {
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   "updated_date": "2024-05-20T18:26:41.989474"
