Item talk:Q45692

From geokb


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       "display_name": "Length-Weight Relationships of Fish Species",
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       "display_name": "Impact of Pesticides Use in Agriculture",
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         "id": ""
       "id": "",
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       "display_name": "Resilience of Traditional Irrigation Communities in Southwest USA",
       "domain": {
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         "id": ""
       "field": {
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       "id": "",
       "subfield": {
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         "id": ""
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       "subfield": {
         "display_name": "Water Science and Technology",
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       "count": 2,
       "display_name": "On-line Monitoring of Wastewater Quality",
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         "id": ""
       "field": {
         "display_name": "Environmental Science",
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       "id": "",
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         "display_name": "Ecology",
         "id": ""
       "count": 2,
       "display_name": "Environmental Impact of Heavy Metal Contamination",
       "domain": {
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         "id": ""
       "field": {
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       "subfield": {
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       "display_name": "Sex Determination and Differentiation in Organisms",
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         "id": ""
       "field": {
         "display_name": "Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology",
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       "id": "",
       "subfield": {
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       "display_name": "Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment",
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       "display_name": "Assessment of Surface Water Quality",
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       "field": {
         "display_name": "Environmental Science",
         "id": ""
       "id": "",
       "subfield": {
         "display_name": "Water Science and Technology",
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       "count": 1,
       "display_name": "Illegal Trade and Conservation of Parrots",
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       "field": {
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   "updated_date": "2024-05-18T06:21:58.564151"
