Item talk:Q45071

From geokb


 "USGS Staff Profile": {
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   "last_update": "2024-05-12T00:00:00Z",
   "previous_address": null,
   "qid": "Q45071",
   "retrieved": "2024-05-12T00:00:00Z",
   "schema": {
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     "description": [
         "@type": "TextObject",
         "abstract": "Research Wildlife Biologist with the Cooperative Research Units",
         "additionalType": "short description"
         "@type": "TextObject",
         "abstract": "Assistant Unit Leader - South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit",
         "additionalType": "staff profile page introductory statement"
         "@type": "TextObject",
         "abstract": "Erin Buchholtz's research bridges landscape ecology and quantitative wildlife ecology, broadly answering the question of how landscape disturbance (be it anthropogenic, fire, invasive species, or something else) impacts connectivity. She works on applied research in the sagebrush biome. This includes work on understanding multispecies connectivity for wildlife as well as the connectedness of fine fuels such as invasive grasses under current and future disturbance. She earned her PhD from Texas A&M University applying principals of spatial ecology and animal movement methods to understanding human-wildlife interactions and habitat selection for elephants in Botswana. She earned her BA in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University. Her experience includes: field ecology and research, project management, spatial analysis and mapping, programming in R, remote sensing, and international community development. Erin enjoys working on collaborative, multidisciplinary teams and believes that positive, inclusive teams representing diverse backgrounds and perspectives lead to better science and better conservation outcomes.",
         "additionalType": "personal statement"
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     "hasCredential": [
         "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
         "name": "PhD, Texas A&M University, 2014"
         "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
         "name": "BA, Princeton University, 2007"
     "hasOccupation": [
         "@type": "OrganizationalRole",
         "affiliatedOrganization": {
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           "name": "Cooperative Research Units",
           "url": ""
         "roleName": "Research Wildlife Biologist",
         "startDate": "2024-05-12T15:40:58.230616"
         "@type": "Occupation",
         "additionalType": "self-claimed professional experience",
         "name": "Assistant Unit Leader, South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, 2022-"
     "identifier": [
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     "jobTitle": "Research Wildlife Biologist",
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         "@type": "Thing",
         "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
         "name": "fire ecology"
         "@type": "Thing",
         "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
         "name": "greater sage-grouse"
         "@type": "Thing",
         "additionalType": "self-claimed expertise",
         "name": "movement ecology"
     "memberOf": {
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         "name": "U.S. Geological Survey"
       "name": "staff member",
       "startDate": "2024-05-12T15:40:58.227960"
     "name": "Erin K Buchholtz, PhD",
     "url": ""
   "status_code": "200"
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         "name": "People in a Biodiverse Region Experienced Varying Types and Timing of Conflict With Multiple Wildlife Species"
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         "name": "Assessing large landscape patterns of potential fire connectivity using circuit methods"
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         "name": "Temporal Patterns of Structural Sagebrush Connectivity from 1985 to 2020"
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         "name": "A mixed\u2010methods assessment of human\u2010elephant conflict in the Western Okavango Panhandle, Botswana"
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         "name": "Landscape and connectivity metrics as a spatial tool to support invasive annual grass management decisions"
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         "name": "Potential cheatgrass abundance within lightly invaded areas of the Great Basin"
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         "name": "An agent-based model of elephant crop consumption walks using combinatorial optimization",
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         "name": "Anthropogenic impact on wildlife resource use: Spatial and temporal shifts in elephants\u2019 access to water",
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         "name": "Using landscape connectivity to predict human-wildlife conflict",
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         "name": "Overlapping landscape utilization by elephants and people in the Western Okavango Panhandle: implications for conflict and conservation"
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         "name": "The Future for Reptiles: Advances and Challenges in the Anthropocene"
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   "updated_date": "2024-05-22T23:02:57.061290"
