Item talk:Q326417

From geokb


 "DOI": {
   "doi": "10.5066/p92pfaxs",
   "identifiers": [],
   "creators": [
       "name": "Ackerman, Josh T",
       "nameType": "Personal",
       "givenName": "Josh T",
       "familyName": "Ackerman",
       "affiliation": [],
       "nameIdentifiers": [
           "schemeUri": "",
           "nameIdentifier": "",
           "nameIdentifierScheme": "ORCID"
       "name": "Clatterbuck, Corey A.",
       "nameType": "Personal",
       "givenName": "Corey A.",
       "familyName": "Clatterbuck",
       "affiliation": [],
       "nameIdentifiers": []
       "name": "Lewison, Rebecca L.",
       "nameType": "Personal",
       "givenName": "Rebecca L.",
       "familyName": "Lewison",
       "affiliation": [],
       "nameIdentifiers": []
       "name": "Orben, Rachael A.",
       "nameType": "Personal",
       "givenName": "Rachael A.",
       "familyName": "Orben",
       "affiliation": [],
       "nameIdentifiers": []
       "name": "Shaffer, Scott A.",
       "nameType": "Personal",
       "givenName": "Scott A.",
       "familyName": "Shaffer",
       "affiliation": [],
       "nameIdentifiers": []
   "titles": [
       "title": "Mercury Concentrations in Western Gulls along the West Coast, USA, 2015-2017"
   "publisher": "U.S. Geological Survey",
   "container": {},
   "publicationYear": 2021,
   "subjects": [
       "subject": "biota, contaminant, habitats, mercury, wildlife"
   "contributors": [],
   "dates": [
       "date": "2015-01-01/2017-12-31",
       "dateType": "Collected"
       "date": "2021",
       "dateType": "Issued"
   "language": null,
   "types": {
     "ris": "DATA",
     "bibtex": "misc",
     "citeproc": "dataset",
     "schemaOrg": "Dataset",
     "resourceType": "Dataset",
     "resourceTypeGeneral": "Dataset"
   "relatedIdentifiers": [
       "relationType": "IsCitedBy",
       "relatedIdentifier": "10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130470",
       "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI"
   "relatedItems": [],
   "sizes": [],
   "formats": [
   "version": null,
   "rightsList": [],
   "descriptions": [
       "description": "We investigated whether foraging habitat, sex, or fidelity to a foraging area effected blood mercury concentrations in western gulls (Larus occidentalis) from three colonies on the west coast of the United States. Dataset includes total mercury concentrations in western gulls from three colony locations and associated foraging habitat of individual gulls. These data support the following publication: Clatterbuck, C.A., Lewison, R.L., Orben, R.A., Ackerman, J.T., Torres, L.G., Suryan, R.M., Warzybok, P., Jahncke, J. and Shaffer, S.A., 2021. Foraging in marine habitats increases mercury concentrations in a generalist seabird. Chemosphere, p.130470.",
       "descriptionType": "Abstract"
   "geoLocations": [],
   "fundingReferences": [],
   "url": "",
   "contentUrl": null,
   "metadataVersion": 2,
   "schemaVersion": "",
   "source": "mds",
   "isActive": true,
   "state": "findable",
   "reason": null,
   "viewCount": 0,
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   "referenceCount": 0,
   "citationCount": 0,
   "partCount": 0,
   "partOfCount": 0,
   "versionCount": 0,
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   "created": "2021-03-11T22:04:29Z",
   "registered": "2021-03-11T22:04:30Z",
   "published": null,
   "updated": "2022-05-03T23:22:03Z"
