Item talk:Q320312

From geokb


 "DOI": {
   "doi": "10.5066/f7pr7tx3",
   "identifiers": [],
   "creators": [
       "name": "Graziano, Alexander P",
       "nameType": "Personal",
       "givenName": "Alexander P",
       "familyName": "Graziano",
       "affiliation": [],
       "nameIdentifiers": [
           "schemeUri": "",
           "nameIdentifier": "",
           "nameIdentifierScheme": "ORCID"
   "titles": [
       "title": "Data supporting the 2017 geomorphic survey of North Fork Eagle Creek, New Mexico"
   "publisher": "U.S. Geological Survey",
   "container": {},
   "publicationYear": 2018,
   "subjects": [
       "subject": "fires, floods, geomorphology, hydrology, subsidence, watershed management, Eagle Creek, Lincoln County, Lincoln National Forest, Ruidoso, Sierra Blanca"
   "contributors": [],
   "dates": [
       "date": "2017-06-19/2017-06-23",
       "dateType": "Collected"
       "date": "2018",
       "dateType": "Issued"
   "language": null,
   "types": {
     "ris": "DATA",
     "bibtex": "misc",
     "citeproc": "dataset",
     "schemaOrg": "Dataset",
     "resourceType": "Dataset",
     "resourceTypeGeneral": "Dataset"
   "relatedIdentifiers": [
       "relationType": "IsCitedBy",
       "relatedIdentifier": "10.3133/ofr20181187",
       "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI"
       "relationType": "IsCitedBy",
       "relatedIdentifier": "10.3133/ofr20201121",
       "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI"
       "relationType": "IsCitedBy",
       "relatedIdentifier": "10.3133/ofr20221041",
       "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI"
   "relatedItems": [],
   "sizes": [],
   "formats": [],
   "version": null,
   "rightsList": [],
   "descriptions": [
       "description": "This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains the results from the 2017 geomorphic survey of North Fork Eagle Creek, New Mexico. The 2017 geomorphic survey was conducted by the USGS, in cooperation with the Village of Ruidoso, New Mexico, and is the first in a planned series of five annual geomorphic surveys of the stream reach located between the North Fork Eagle Creek near Alto, New Mexico, streamflow-gaging station (USGS site 08387550) and the Eagle Creek below South Fork near Alto, New Mexico, streamflow-gaging station (USGS site 08387600). Specifically, this data release contains the results from 14 cross-section surveys (to include x-y-z coordinates of all cross-section points), the locations of all woody debris identified in the reach and their corresponding debris jam classifications, and the locations of all pools identified in the reach. All x-y-z coordinates included in this data release were collected by using survey-grade real-time kinematic global navigation satellite systems (RTK GNSS). This data release supports the following publication: Graziano, A.P., in press, Geomorphic survey of North Fork Eagle Creek, New Mexico, 2017: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.",
       "descriptionType": "Abstract"
   "geoLocations": [],
   "fundingReferences": [],
   "url": "",
   "contentUrl": null,
   "metadataVersion": 4,
   "schemaVersion": "",
   "source": "mds",
   "isActive": true,
   "state": "findable",
   "reason": null,
   "viewCount": 0,
   "downloadCount": 0,
   "referenceCount": 1,
   "citationCount": 1,
   "partCount": 0,
   "partOfCount": 0,
   "versionCount": 0,
   "versionOfCount": 0,
   "created": "2018-10-22T18:14:59Z",
   "registered": "2018-10-22T18:15:01Z",
   "published": null,
   "updated": "2023-11-20T20:06:12Z"
