Item talk:Q318380

From geokb


 "DOI": {
   "doi": "10.5066/f7xw4h88",
   "identifiers": [],
   "creators": [
       "name": "Anthony S Fischbach",
       "nameType": "Personal",
       "affiliation": [
         "United States Geological Survey"
       "nameIdentifiers": [
           "schemeUri": "",
           "nameIdentifier": "",
           "nameIdentifierScheme": "ORCID"
   "titles": [
       "title": "Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulout Images from Remote Cameras"
   "publisher": "U.S. Geological Survey",
   "container": {},
   "publicationYear": 2023,
   "subjects": [
       "subject": "remote sensing"
       "subject": "coastal ecosystems"
       "subject": "wildlife"
       "subject": "pacific walrus"
       "subject": "marine mammals"
       "subject": "odobenus rosmarus divergens"
       "subject": "walrus"
       "subject": "marine ecosystems"
       "subject": "mammals"
       "subject": "carnivores"
       "subject": "seals/sea lions/walruses"
       "subject": "pinniped"
       "subject": "migratory species"
       "subject": "seasonal distribution"
       "subject": "animals/vertebrates"
       "subject": "field inventory and monitoring"
       "subject": "image collections"
       "subject": "remote photo imagery"
       "subject": "Alaska"
       "subject": "Bering Sea"
       "subject": "Cape Greig"
   "contributors": [],
   "dates": [
       "date": "2023-06-21",
       "dateType": "Available"
       "date": "2023-05-01/2023-09-01",
       "dateType": "Collected"
       "date": "2024-01-16",
       "dateType": "Updated"
   "language": null,
   "types": {
     "ris": "DATA",
     "bibtex": "misc",
     "citeproc": "dataset",
     "schemaOrg": "Dataset",
     "resourceType": "Dataset",
     "resourceTypeGeneral": "Dataset"
   "relatedIdentifiers": [],
   "relatedItems": [],
   "sizes": [],
   "formats": [],
   "version": null,
   "rightsList": [
       "rights": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal",
       "rightsUri": "",
       "schemeUri": "",
       "rightsIdentifier": "cc0-1.0",
       "rightsIdentifierScheme": "SPDX"
   "descriptions": [
       "description": "This data package contains digital photos of a walrus haulout location at Cape Greig, on the Alaska Peninsula summer 2023. Photos were taken up to three times daily from a remotely operated camera located on a bluff above the haulout. The camera was installed in the early spring 2023, prior to arrival of walruses at the site. Images were transferred via satellite link.",
       "descriptionType": "Abstract"
   "geoLocations": [],
   "fundingReferences": [],
   "url": "",
   "contentUrl": null,
   "metadataVersion": 3,
   "schemaVersion": "",
   "source": "mds",
   "isActive": true,
   "state": "findable",
   "reason": null,
   "viewCount": 0,
   "downloadCount": 0,
   "referenceCount": 0,
   "citationCount": 0,
   "partCount": 0,
   "partOfCount": 0,
   "versionCount": 0,
   "versionOfCount": 0,
   "created": "2023-06-21T17:33:58Z",
   "registered": "2023-06-21T17:33:59Z",
   "published": null,
   "updated": "2024-07-18T16:54:28Z"
