Item talk:Q27

From geokb


The following query will pull all the pertinent details for items with ISO3166 codes. This is sovereign nation-states but also territorial entities of some countries. We may do some additional classification work on these as needed. There are some additional properties used for the U.S. Territories as these were initially assembled from another source, but the query provides all of the statements in common across ISO3166-coded entities.

PREFIX wdt: <>

SELECT ?country ?countryLabel ?countryAltLabel ?countryDescription
?iso3166_alpha2 ?iso3166_alpha3 ?iso3166_numeric ?instance_ofLabel ?same_as
  ?country wdt:P1 ?instance_of ;
           wdt:P10 ?iso3166_alpha2 ;
           wdt:P38 ?iso3166_alpha3 ;
           wdt:P37 ?iso3166_numeric ;
           wdt:P84 ?same_as .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }

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