Item talk:Q253617

From geokb


 "USGS Publications Warehouse": {
   "@context": "",
   "@type": "Article",
   "additionalType": "Journal Article",
   "name": "Phase equilibrium of a high-SiO2, andesite at  fO2 = RRO: Implications for Augustine volcano and other high-fO2 arc andesites",
   "identifier": [
       "@type": "PropertyValue",
       "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse IndexID",
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       "value": 70215437
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       "propertyID": "DOI",
       "value": "10.1007/s00410-020-1663-6",
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     "name": "Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology",
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       "name": "Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology"
   "datePublished": "2020",
   "dateModified": "2020-10-20",
   "abstract": "Understanding the impact of magmatic plumbing systems on explosive volcanic activity is important for hazard management. This study describes phase equilibria experiments using a high-silica andesite (HSA; SiO2\u2009=\u200962.5\u00a0wt%) from the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska. Experiments were conducted under H2O saturated conditions,\u00a0f02f02\u2009=\u2009RRO (Re\u2013ReO2\u00a0or\u2009~\u2009Ni\u2013NiO\u2009+\u20092), at pressures of 50\u2013200\u00a0MPa (PTotal\u2009=\u2009PH2O), and at temperatures of 800\u20131060\u00a0\u00b0C. Run durations varied from 23 to 539\u00a0h, inversely scaled with temperature. The natural Augustine HSA phase assemblage (plagioclase, two pyroxenes, Fe\u2013Ti oxides, magnesio-hornblende) was reproduced at 860\u2013880\u00a0\u00b0C and 120\u2013200\u00a0MPa. Comparing experimental and natural glass and plagioclase compositions further refined those conditions to\u2009~\u2009870\u00a0\u00b0C and 120\u2013170\u00a0MPa. Crystallization of euhedral quartz was accompanied by biotite and small amounts of cummingtonite at\u00a0T\u2009\u2264\u2009850\u00a0\u00b0C. The relatively high temperature appearance of these typically low-T\u00a0phases indicates that higher\u00a0f02f02\u00a0could enhance their stability. The storage conditions estimated from our experiments compare well with previous magma plumbing system models for Augustine from geophysical and petrological data. The refined experimental pressure range suggests a storage depth of 4.6\u20136.6\u00a0km, assuming a crustal density of 2650\u00a0kg/m3. The strong petrological and geochemical similarities between the products of the 2006, 1986, and 1976 eruptions suggest that the Augustine magmatic system had generally consistent crystallization conditions for the HSA lithology during that\u2009>\u200930-year time interval. The experimental results broad implications for understanding higher\u00a0f02\u00a0magmas at andesitic arc volcanoes.",
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