Item talk:Q163018

From geokb

Basic Formal Ontology

The Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) is a high-level organization of concepts that forms the basis of many other domain-specific ontologies, including the Geoscience Ontology, which serves as some of the basis for the Geoscience Knowledgebase. The classes from the BFO that are leveraged in the GeoKB include those that serve as super-classes for items in the Common Core Ontologies and then lower-level domain ontologies. It is important to note that we also work here to incorporate other philosophies on how phenomena in the world can be known and described as we work to connect what we know about the complex earth system to other ways of knowing.


To review the highest-level classes in the GeoKB that connect to BFO concepts, the following query pulls the graph of associated same as relationships. These items also include a reference to the BFO as the knowledge source used in establishing their subclass of relationships.

PREFIX wdt: <>

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?subclassOf ?subclassOfLabel ?same_as
  ?item wdt:P84 ?same_as ;
        wdt:P2 ?subclassOf .
  FILTER (CONTAINS(STR(?same_as), '/obo/BFO_'))
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

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