Item talk:Q162555

From geokb

Mindat Short Description

The possible Bi analogue is coded as 'UM1986-39-S:AuBiPbTe'.

Geoscience Ontology Status Notes

Haidinger W (1845) Zweite Klasse: Geogenide. XIV. Ordnung. Glanze. V. Eutomglanz. Nagyagit., in Handbuch der Bestimmenden Mineralogie, Bei Braumüller and Seidel (Wien) 563-570 Chemical formula revised: Effenberger H, Paar W H, Topa D, Culetto F J, Giester G (1999) Toward the crystal structure of nagyagite, [Pb(Pb,Sb)S2][(Au,Te)], American Mineralogist 84, 669-676

IMA Formula (from Mindat)


RRUFF Formula (from Geoscience Ontology)


Additional References