Item talk:Q162294

From geokb

Mindat Short Description

Feldspar Group. Celsian-Hyalophane Series; Celsian-Orthoclase Series. The distinctly monoclinic (115.2°) dimorph of Paracelsian; the latter is considered a metastable modification (Lin & Foster, 1968).

Chemically very similar to cymrite.

See al...

Geoscience Ontology Status Notes

Sjögren H (1895) Celsian, en anorthiten motsvarande bariumfältspat från Jakobsberg. Preliminärt meddelande, Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 17, 578-582

IMA Formula (from Mindat)


RRUFF Formula (from Geoscience Ontology)


Additional References