Item talk:Q162247

From geokb

Mindat Short Description

Compare the very similar innsbruckite and the similar friedelite, as well as ganophyllite and parsettensite.

Raman spectroscopy or diffraction techniques are required to differentiate between bementite and innsbruckite (Krüger et al., 2014).

Geoscience Ontology Status Notes

Koenig G A (1888) Preliminary note on a new mineral species from Franklin, N.J., Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1887, 310-311 Redefined: Pardee J T, Larsen E S, Steiger G (1921) Bementite and neotocite from western Washington, with conclusions as to the identity of bementite and caryopilite, Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 11, 25-32

IMA Formula (from Mindat)


RRUFF Formula (from Geoscience Ontology)


Additional References