Item talk:Q162197

From geokb

Mindat Short Description

Amorphous hydrous silicate of aluminium, composition not fixed. Principal member of the nominal "Allophane Group." Copper-bearing varieties can be confused with chrysocolla. Colourless varieties may be confused with hyalite.

The nano-sized partic...

Geoscience Ontology Status Notes

Hausmann J F L, Stromeyer F (1816) Report at the Royal Academy of Sciences Göttingen meeting 13 July, 1816 on silberkupferglanz and allophan, Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 2, 1249-1253

IMA Formula (from Mindat)

Al2O3(SiO2)1.3-2.0 · 2.5-3.0H2O

RRUFF Formula (from Geoscience Ontology)


Additional References