Item talk:Q160330
Climate Change Impacts on Invasive Species in the Northwest: A Synthesis and Path Forward
Invasive species have increasingly severe consequences for ecosystems and human communities alike. The ecological impacts of invasive species are often irreversible, and include the loss of native species and the spread of disease. Implications for human communities include damaged water transportation systems, reduced crop yields, reduced forage quality for livestock, and widespread tree death - which can lead to increases in wildfire and loss of biodiversity. Changing climate conditions may facilitate the spread of invasive species, making this a key management and conservation concern across the United States. This project will synthesize what we know about how climate change impacts the spread of invasive species across the Northwest. This information is critical for developing effective management strategies that prevent the establishment of invasive species, slow their spread, and minimize their negative ecological and economic impacts. This synthesis will identify the environmental conditions that facilitate the spread of invasive species, and what habitats and native species might be most vulnerable to their future spread. By identifying these commonalities, this project will help managers understand the risks posed by invasive species and to proactively take steps to stop the establishment or expansion of invasives in the Northwest.