Item talk:Q153066

From geokb

Conductivity response to intraplate deformation: Evidence for metamorphic devolatilization and crustal‐scale fluid focusing

We present two‐dimensional electrical resistivity models of two 40 km magnetotelluric (MT) profiles across the Frome Embayment to the east of the northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia. The lower crust shows low resistivity of 10 Ω m at around 30 km depth. The middle crust is dominated by resistive (>1000 Ω m) basement rocks underlying the Flinders Ranges. Adjacent to the ranges, conductive lower crust is connected to vertical zones of higher conductivity extending to just below the brittle‐ductile transition at ∼10 km depth. The conductive zones narrow in the brittle upper crust and dip at roughly 45° beneath the surface. Zones of enhanced conductivity coincide with higher strain due to topographic loading and sparse seismicity. We propose that fluids are generated through neotectonic metamorphic devolatilization. Low‐resistivity zones display areas of fluid pathways along either preexisting faults or an effect of crustal compression leading to metamorphic fluid generation. The lower crustal conductors are responding to long‐wavelength flexure‐induced strain, while the upper crustal conductors are responding to short wavelength faulting in the brittle regime. MT is a useful tool for imaging crustal strain in response to far‐field stresses in an intraplate setting and provides important constraints for geodynamic modeling and crustal rheology.