Item talk:Q144702

From geokb

Newcastle disease

Newcastle Disease (ND) in domestic poultry is a focus for concern throughout much of the world’s agricultural community because of severe economic losses that have occurred from illness, death, and reduced egg production following infection with pathogenic or disease causing strains. Prior to 1990, this disease had rarely been reported as a cause of mortality in the free-living native birds of the United States or Canada. Repeated large-scale losses of double-crested cormorants from ND in both countries has resulted in a need for enhanced awareness of ND as a disease of wild birds and, therefore, its inclusion within this Manual. Background information about ND in poultry is needed to provide a perspective for understanding the complexity of the disease agent, Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Some general information about ND in other avian species is also provided, but the primary focus for this chapter is the effect of NDV on double-crested cormorants.