Item talk:Q100250
From geokb
"USGS Publications Warehouse": { "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "additionalType": "USGS Numbered Series", "name": "Estimated oil and gas reserves, southern California outer continental shelf, December 31, 1982", "identifier": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse IndexID", "value": "ofr83559", "url": "" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse Internal ID", "value": 48830 }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "DOI", "value": "10.3133/ofr83559", "url": "" } ], "inLanguage": "en", "isPartOf": [ { "@type": "CreativeWorkSeries", "name": "Open-File Report" } ], "datePublished": "1983", "dateModified": "2021-11-08", "abstract": "Remaining recoverable reserves of oil* and gas in the Outer Continental Shelf off Southern California are estimated to be 968 million barrels of oil and 1,851 billion cubic feet of gas as of December 31, 1982. These reserves are attributed to 14 fields. Original recoverable reserves from these fields are estimated at 1,217 million barrels of oil and 1,983 billion cubic feet of gas. The estimates for both the remaining and the original recoverable reserves of oil and gas are higher than the corresponding estimates for December 31, 1981. Reserve estimates for 12 fields were based on volumetric reservoir studies. Decline-curve and volumetric analyses were used for the remaining two fields. Six fields were on production at year's end and a gas field is scheduled to commence production in 1983.\r\n\r\n*The term 'oil' as used in this report includes crude oil, condensate, and gas-plant liquids.", "description": "10 p.", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "U.S. Geological Survey" }, "author": [ { "@type": "Person", "name": "Ballantyne, R. S.", "givenName": "R. S.", "familyName": "Ballantyne" } ], "spatialCoverage": [ { "@type": "Place", "additionalType": "country", "name": "United States", "url": "" }, { "@type": "Place", "additionalType": "state", "name": "California" }, { "@type": "Place", "geo": [ { "@type": "GeoShape", "additionalProperty": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "GeoJSON", "value": { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -120.6667, 33.3333 ], [ -118, 33.3333 ], [ -118, 34.5 ], [ -120.6667, 34.5 ], [ -120.6667, 33.3333 ] ] ] } } ] } } }, { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": 33.916650000000004, "longitude": -119.33335000000001 } ] } ] } }, "OpenAlex": { "abstract_inverted_index": { "Remaining": [ 0 ], "recoverable": [ 1, 44, 73 ], "reserves": [ 2, 37, 45, 74 ], "of": [ 3, 22, 29, 32, 55, 62, 75 ], "oil*": [ 4 ], "and": [ 5, 24, 57, 70, 77, 101, 119, 142 ], "gas": [ 6, 30, 78, 121 ], "in": [ 7, 128, 135 ], "the": [ 8, 68, 71, 82, 107 ], "Outer": [ 9 ], "Continental": [ 10 ], "Shelf": [ 11 ], "off": [ 12 ], "Southern": [ 13 ], "California": [ 14 ], "are": [ 15, 38, 49, 79 ], "estimated": [ 16, 50 ], "to": [ 17, 40, 125 ], "be": [ 18 ], "968": [ 19 ], "million": [ 20, 53 ], "barrels": [ 21, 54 ], "oil": [ 23, 56, 76 ], "1,851": [ 25 ], "billion": [ 26, 59 ], "cubic": [ 27, 60 ], "feet": [ 28, 61 ], "as": [ 31, 133 ], "December": [ 33, 86 ], "31,": [ 34, 87 ], "1982.": [ 35 ], "These": [ 36 ], "attributed": [ 39 ], "14": [ 41 ], "fields.": [ 42, 110 ], "Original": [ 43 ], "from": [ 46 ], "these": [ 47 ], "fields": [ 48, 93, 112 ], "at": [ 51, 116 ], "1,217": [ 52 ], "1,983": [ 58 ], "gas.": [ 63 ], "The": [ 64 ], "estimates": [ 65, 84, 90 ], "for": [ 66, 85, 91, 106 ], "both": [ 67 ], "remaining": [ 69, 108 ], "original": [ 72 ], "higher": [ 80 ], "than": [ 81 ], "corresponding": [ 83 ], "1981.": [ 88 ], "Reserve": [ 89 ], "12": [ 92 ], "were": [ 94, 104, 113 ], "based": [ 95 ], "on": [ 96, 114 ], "volumetric": [ 97, 102 ], "reservoir": [ 98 ], "studies.": [ 99 ], "Decline-curve": [ 100 ], "analyses": [ 103 ], "used": [ 105, 134 ], "two": [ 109 ], "Six": [ 111 ], "production": [ 115, 127 ], "year's": [ 117 ], "end": [ 118 ], "a": [ 120 ], "field": [ 122 ], "is": [ 123 ], "scheduled": [ 124 ], "commence": [ 126 ], "1983.": [ 129 ], "*The": [ 130 ], "term": [ 131 ], "'oil'": [ 132 ], "this": [ 136 ], "report": [ 137 ], "includes": [ 138 ], "crude": [ 139 ], "oil,": [ 140 ], "condensate,": [ 141 ], "gas-plant": [ 143 ], "liquids.": [ 144 ] }, "apc_list": null, "apc_paid": null, "authorships": [ { "author_position": "first", "author": { "id": "", "display_name": "R. 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