Item talk:Q324731
From geokb
"DOI": { "doi": "10.5066/p9v4i3mm", "identifiers": [], "creators": [ { "name": "Mastin, Larry G", "nameType": "Personal", "givenName": "Larry G", "familyName": "Mastin", "affiliation": [], "nameIdentifiers": [ { "schemeUri": "", "nameIdentifier": "", "nameIdentifierScheme": "ORCID" } ] }, { "name": "Cahalan, Ryan C", "nameType": "Personal", "givenName": "Ryan C", "familyName": "Cahalan", "affiliation": [ "United States Geological Survey" ], "nameIdentifiers": [] } ], "titles": [ { "title": "Plumeria Simulations of 20 December 2020 K?lauea Volcano Eruption Plume" } ], "publisher": "U.S. Geological Survey", "container": {}, "publicationYear": 2023, "subjects": [ { "subject": "Volcanology" } ], "contributors": [], "dates": [ { "date": "2023", "dateType": "Issued" } ], "language": null, "types": { "ris": "DATA", "bibtex": "misc", "citeproc": "dataset", "schemaOrg": "Dataset", "resourceType": "Dataset", "resourceTypeGeneral": "Dataset" }, "relatedIdentifiers": [], "relatedItems": [], "sizes": [], "formats": [], "version": null, "rightsList": [], "descriptions": [ { "description": "This data release contains results of model simulations of a plume at Kilauea volcano that occurred on 20 December 2020. The ash-poor plume was produced when lava flowed into a water lake at the summit of Kilauea volcano. Simulations were conducted to constrain the conditions under which the plume rose to its observed height. The analysis and results are described in the accompanying paper: Cahalan RC, Mastin L, Van Eaton A, Hurwitz S, Smith AB, Dufek J, Solovitz SA, Patrick M, Schmith J, Parcheta C, Thelen W, Downs DT (2023 (in press)) Dynamics of the December 2020 ash-poor plume formed by lava-water interaction at the summit of K?lauea Volcano, Hawai?i. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.", "descriptionType": "Abstract" } ], "geoLocations": [], "fundingReferences": [], "url": "", "contentUrl": null, "metadataVersion": 1, "schemaVersion": "", "source": "mds", "isActive": true, "state": "findable", "reason": null, "viewCount": 0, "downloadCount": 0, "referenceCount": 0, "citationCount": 0, "partCount": 0, "partOfCount": 0, "versionCount": 0, "versionOfCount": 0, "created": "2023-02-01T14:03:57Z", "registered": "2023-02-01T14:03:58Z", "published": null, "updated": "2023-02-01T14:04:05Z" }