Item talk:Q323377
From geokb
"DOI": { "doi": "10.5066/p9esbjq0", "identifiers": [], "creators": [ { "name": "Stevens, Andrew W", "nameType": "Personal", "givenName": "Andrew W", "familyName": "Stevens", "affiliation": [], "nameIdentifiers": [ { "schemeUri": "", "nameIdentifier": "", "nameIdentifierScheme": "ORCID" } ] }, { "name": "Van Der Steeg, Shailesh", "nameType": "Personal", "givenName": "Shailesh", "familyName": "Van Der Steeg", "affiliation": [], "nameIdentifiers": [] }, { "name": "Wherry, Susan A", "nameType": "Personal", "givenName": "Susan A", "familyName": "Wherry", "affiliation": [], "nameIdentifiers": [] }, { "name": "Wood, Tamara M", "nameType": "Personal", "givenName": "Tamara M", "familyName": "Wood", "affiliation": [], "nameIdentifiers": [] } ], "titles": [ { "title": "Hydrodynamic model of the lower Columbia River, Washington and Oregon, 2017-2020" } ], "publisher": "U.S. Geological Survey", "container": {}, "publicationYear": 2021, "subjects": [ { "subject": "Geomorphology, Marine Geology, Sedimentology" } ], "contributors": [], "dates": [ { "date": "2021", "dateType": "Issued" } ], "language": null, "types": { "ris": "DATA", "bibtex": "misc", "citeproc": "dataset", "schemaOrg": "Dataset", "resourceType": "Dataset", "resourceTypeGeneral": "Dataset" }, "relatedIdentifiers": [], "relatedItems": [], "sizes": [], "formats": [], "version": null, "rightsList": [], "descriptions": [ { "description": "A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the lower Columbia River (LCR) was constructed using the Delft3D Flexible Mesh (DFM) modeling suite to simulate water levels, flow, and seabed stresses between January 1, 2017, and April 20, 2020. This data release describes the construction and validation of the model application and provides input files suitable to run the model on Delft3D Flexible Mesh software version 2021.01.", "descriptionType": "Abstract" } ], "geoLocations": [], "fundingReferences": [], "url": "", "contentUrl": null, "metadataVersion": 0, "schemaVersion": "", "source": "mds", "isActive": true, "state": "findable", "reason": null, "viewCount": 0, "downloadCount": 0, "referenceCount": 0, "citationCount": 1, "partCount": 0, "partOfCount": 0, "versionCount": 0, "versionOfCount": 0, "created": "2021-04-09T17:44:03Z", "registered": "2021-04-09T17:44:05Z", "published": null, "updated": "2023-07-28T08:55:08Z" }