Pages that link to "Item:Q45669"
From geokb
The following pages link to Laura DeCicco (Q45669):
Displayed 33 items.
- Water-quality trends in the nation’s rivers and streams, 1972–2012—Data preparation, statistical methods, and trend results (Q58234) (← links)
- User guide to Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends (EGRET) and dataRetrieval: R packages for hydrologic data (Q59705) (← links)
- Identifying chemicals and mixtures of potential biological concern detected in passive samplers from Great Lakes tributaries using high-throughput data and biological pathways (Q145731) (← links)
- Pesticide prioritization by potential biological effects in tributaries of the Laurentian Great Lakes (Q150099) (← links)
- Prioritizing pesticides of potential concern and identifying potential mixture effects in Great Lakes tributaries using passive samplers (Q150227) (← links)
- Water quality data for national-scale aquatic research: The Water Quality Portal (Q156124) (← links)
- Prioritizing pharmaceutical contaminants in Great Lakes tributaries using risk-based screening techniques (Q157648) (← links)
- Evaluating chloride trends due to road-salt use and its impacts on water quality and aquatic organisms (Q228262) (← links)
- A bootstrap method for estimating uncertainty of water quality trends (Q234799) (← links)
- River chloride trends in snow-affected urban watersheds: increasing concentrations outpace urban growth rate and are common among all seasons (Q236833) (← links)
- Organic contaminants in Great Lakes tributaries: Prevalence and potential aquatic toxicity (Q238010) (← links)
- An “EAR” on environmental surveillance and monitoring: A case study on the use of Exposure–Activity Ratios (EARs) to prioritize sites, chemicals, and bioactivities of concern in Great Lakes waters (Q239756) (← links)
- Evaluating the potential role of bioactive chemicals on the distribution of invasive Asian carp upstream and downstream from river mile 278 in the Illinois waterway (Q253639) (← links)
- Mixed-chemical exposure and predicted effects potential in wadeable southeastern USA streams (Q267561) (← links)
- Modeled predictions of human-associated and fecal-indicator bacteria concentrations and loadings in the Menomonee River, Wisconsin using in-situ optical sensors (Q269139) (← links)
- Changes in chemical occurrence, concentration, and bioactivity in the Colorado River before and after replacement of the Moab, Utah wastewater treatment plant (Q273330) (← links)
- Use of high-throughput screening results to prioritize chemicals for potential adverse biological effects within a West Virginia Watershed (Q277673) (← links)
- Prioritizing chemicals of ecological concern in Great Lakes tributaries using high-throughput screening data and adverse outcome pathways (Q284696) (← links)
- Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in United States tapwater: Comparison of underserved private-well and public-supply exposures and associated health implications (Q293227) (← links)
- Reconnaissance of mixed organic and inorganic chemicals in private and public supply tapwaters at selected residential and workplace sites in the United States (Q300606) (← links)
- Optical properties of water for prediction of wastewater contamination, human-associated bacteria, and fecal indicator bacteria in surface water at three watershed scales (Q306463) (← links)
- Reproducibility starts at the source: R, Python, and Julia Packages for retrieving USGS hydrologic data (Q312836) (← links)
- dataRetrieval (Q320039) (← links)
- Water-quality and streamflow datasets used in the Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) models to determine trends in the Nations rivers and streams, 1972-2012 (Q320075) (← links)
- ToxMixtures: A package to explore toxicity due to chemical mixtures (Q324467) (← links)
- EGRET (Q324663) (← links)
- Select optical signals from water samples collected on the Menomonee River, Underwood Creek, and Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility from 2017-2019, and time-series optical sensor and one-hour mean streamflow data from the Menomonee River 2017-20 (Q325140) (← links)
- HASP (Q325799) (← links)
- toxEval (Q325896) (← links)
- wqReport (Q326046) (← links)
- Optical signals of water for prediction of wastewater contamination, human-associated bacteria, and fecal indicator bacteria in surface water of Great Lake tributaries from 2011 to 2016 (Q327521) (← links)
- Chemistry of waters collected in the Wolf Creek and Buffalo Creek watersheds in West Virginia in 2016 (Q329410) (← links)
- EGRET - Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends (Q336648) (← links)