Item talk:Q56705

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Revision as of 19:11, 15 July 2024 by Sky (talk | contribs) (Wrote fresh document to item wiki page)

{"@context": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "additionalType": "USGS Numbered Series", "name": "Have humans influenced volcanic activity on the lower East Rift Zone of K\u012blauea Volcano? A publication review", "identifier": [{"@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse IndexID", "value": "ofr20201017", "url": ""}, {"@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse Internal ID", "value": 70208576}, {"@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "DOI", "value": "10.3133/ofr20201017", "url": ""}], "inLanguage": "en", "isPartOf": [{"@type": "CreativeWorkSeries", "name": "Open-File Report"}], "datePublished": "2020", "dateModified": "2022-04-21", "abstract": "Since the 2018 eruption of K\u012blauea Volcano, the topic of whether commercial developments not only caused the eruption to occur in the lower East Rift Zone (LERZ), but also caused its high eruption rate has been a subject of public discussion. We review K\u012blauea Volcano publications from the past several decades and show that the eruptive behavior of the volcano has varied and that the 2018 eruption was similar to past eruptions in many ways. We find no evidence to support any human influence on K\u012blauea Volcano.", "description": "iv, 17", "publisher": {"@type": "Organization", "name": "U.S. Geological Survey"}, "author": [{"@type": "Person", "name": "Trusdell, Frank A.", "givenName": "Frank A.", "familyName": "Trusdell", "email": "", "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "ORCID", "value": "0000-0002-0681-0528", "url": ""}, "affiliation": [{"@type": "Organization", "name": "Volcano Science Center", "url": ""}]}, {"@type": "Person", "name": "Kauahikaua, James P.", "givenName": "James P.", "familyName": "Kauahikaua", "email": "", "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "ORCID", "value": "0000-0003-3777-503X", "url": ""}, "affiliation": [{"@type": "Organization", "name": "Volcano Science Center", "url": ""}]}], "funder": [{"@type": "Organization", "name": "Volcano Science Center", "url": ""}], "spatialCoverage": [{"@type": "Place", "additionalType": "country", "name": "United States", "url": ""}, {"@type": "Place", "additionalType": "state", "name": "Hawaii", "url": ""}, {"@type": "Place", "additionalType": "unknown", "name": "Lower East Rift Zone of K\u012blauea Volcano"}, {"@type": "Place", "geo": [{"@type": "GeoShape", "additionalProperty": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "GeoJSON", "value": {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-155.3741455078125, 19.19835036116298], [-155.26016235351562, 19.281332062593734], [-155.20523071289062, 19.26059057084779], [-155.14892578125, 19.264479800497103], [-155.0665283203125, 19.30466310133747], [-154.9456787109375, 19.37334071336406], [-154.82070922851562, 19.474360774988355], [-154.80422973632812, 19.530024424775405], [-154.92233276367188, 19.596019240312494], [-154.9456787109375, 19.621892180319374], [-154.97177124023438, 19.641294152538578], [-154.97177124023438, 19.676211792974332], [-155.050048828125, 19.590844152960923], [-155.12832641601562, 19.520964205879825], [-155.18875122070312, 19.449759112405612], [-155.26565551757812, 19.42256346067618], [-155.35629272460938, 19.359089245934307], [-155.38787841796872, 19.299478713495898], [-155.4071044921875, 19.23206673568465], [-155.4071044921875, 19.19186565046399], [-155.3741455078125, 19.19835036116298]]]}}]}}}, {"@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": 19.42030412241701, "longitude": -155.09424738366852}]}]}