Item talk:Q45455

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USGS Staff Profile:

 '@type': Person
 affiliation: []
 - '@type': TextObject
   abstract: Research Ecologist with the Cooperative Research Units
   additionalType: short description
 - '@type': TextObject
   abstract: Unit Leader - Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
   additionalType: staff profile page introductory statement
 - '@type': TextObject
   abstract: "\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200B\u200BDr. Converse received graduate\
     \ degrees from the University of Nebraska and Colorado State University. She\
     \ then completed a postdoctoral position at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center\
     \ before accepting a permanent position with USGS at Patuxent, where she led\
     \ a research program for 10 years focused on endangered species conservation,\
     \ decision science, and quantitative ecology. In 2017 she became the Unit Leader\
     \ of the Washington Unit at University of Washington, where she serves as an\
     \ Associate Professor. Her research focuses on the development and application\
     \ of methods to understand the functioning of populations and to improve their\
     \ management. She works across a broad variety of taxa: terrestrial birds, seabirds,\
     \ marine mammals, amphibians, and others. Her research projects tend to reflect\
     \ two primary themes: (1) development and application of quantitative methods\
     \ in population ecology, particularly for small and declining populations; and\
     \ (2) development and application of decision-analytic methods to inform management\
     \ of populations. Sarah collaborates extensively with managers in federal and\
     \ state agencies, and she works internationally, with current research projects\
     \ located in Europe, New Zealand, French Polynesia, and the Arctic. Sarah teaches\
     \ graduate courses in statistics and demographic analysis, and teaches professional\
     \ and graduate courses on decision analysis. Sarah is active in efforts to increase\
     \ equity and justice in her professional community.RECENT HONORS AND AWARDSConference\
     \ Best Paper Award, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence,\
     \ 2011Department of Interior STAR Award, for work with Outer Continental Shelf\
     \ energy development team, 2011Department of Interior STAR Award, for work with\
     \ Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership, 2009Department of Interior STAR Award,\
     \ for work with Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, 2009Department of Interior\
     \ STAR Award, for work with Northeast Region Fisheries Program, 2008CURRENT\
     \ TRAINING ACTIVITIESInstructor: Training for Effective Conservation Translocation\
     \ (with IUCN Reintroduction Specialist Group), workshop venuesInstructor: Integrated\
     \ Population Modeling (with Drs. Marc Kery and Michael Schaub), workshop venuesInstructor:\
     \ Introduction to Structured Decision Making, National Conservation Training\
     \ CenterASSOCIATED POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHERSDr. Nathan Hostetter, Improved Design\
     \ and Analysis of Polar Bear Population Studies (2016-Present)Dr. Jonathan Cummings,\
     \ Landscape Level Population Modeling as a Decision Support Tool for the Lesser\
     \ Prairie-Chicken  (2014-Present, w/Dr. Dave Smith, USGS Leetown Science Center)Dr.\
     \ Sabrina Servanty, Population Viability of the Eastern Migratory Population\
     \ of Whooping Cranes (2009-2013, w/Dr. Larissa Bailey, Colorado State University)ASSOCIATED\
     \ STUDENTSDr. Stefano Canessa, Decision Theory for Reintroductions   (2011-2015,\
     \ w/Drs. Mick McCarthy and Kirsten Parris, University of Melbourne)Ms. Megan\
     \ Brown, Causes of Poor Fertility i"
   additionalType: personal statement
 - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential
   name: Ph.D. Wildlife Biology, Colorado State University (2005)
 - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential
   name: M.S. Natural Resource Sciences, University of Nebraska (1999)
 - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential
   name: B.S. Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University (1996)
 - '@type': OrganizationalRole
     '@type': Organization
     name: Cooperative Research Units
   roleName: Research Ecologist
   startDate: '2024-05-12T15:17:46.861639'
 - '@type': PropertyValue
   propertyID: GeoKB
 - '@type': PropertyValue
   propertyID: ORCID
   value: 0000-0002-3719-5441
 jobTitle: Research Ecologist
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: endangered species
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: wildlife population management
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: statistical analysis
   '@type': OrganizationalRole
     '@type': Organization
     name: U.S. Geological Survey
   name: staff member
   startDate: '2024-05-12T15:17:46.858826'
 name: Sarah J  Converse, PhD