Item talk:Q49555
From geokb
meta: status_code: 200 timestamp: '2023-10-20T09:13:01.184363' url: orcid: activities: educations: affiliation-group: - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1508942647224 summaries: - education-summary: created-date: value: 1508942647224 department-name: Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies display-index: '0' end-date: day: null month: value: 08 year: value: '2005' external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1508942647224 organization: address: city: Madison country: US region: WI disambiguated-organization: disambiguated-organization-identifier: '5228' disambiguation-source: RINGGOLD name: University of Wisconsin Madison path: /0000-0002-0019-1607/education/4817009 put-code: 4817009 role-title: M.S. source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Aaron Stephenson source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-0019-1607 uri: start-date: day: null month: value: '01' year: value: '2005' url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1508942417174 summaries: - education-summary: created-date: value: 1508942417174 department-name: Geography display-index: '0' end-date: day: null month: value: '12' year: value: '2004' external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1508942417174 organization: address: city: Madison country: US region: WI disambiguated-organization: disambiguated-organization-identifier: '5228' disambiguation-source: RINGGOLD name: University of Wisconsin Madison path: /0000-0002-0019-1607/education/4816977 put-code: 4816977 role-title: B.S. source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Aaron Stephenson source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-0019-1607 uri: start-date: day: null month: value: 08 year: value: '2001' url: value: visibility: public last-modified-date: value: 1508942647224 path: /0000-0002-0019-1607/educations employments: affiliation-group: - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1508944593808 summaries: - employment-summary: created-date: value: 1508944370908 department-name: Geological Survey display-index: '0' end-date: null external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1508944593808 organization: address: city: DC country: US region: DC disambiguated-organization: disambiguated-organization-identifier: disambiguation-source: FUNDREF name: U.S. Department of the Interior path: /0000-0002-0019-1607/employment/4817183 put-code: 4817183 role-title: Senior Developer / Solutions Architect source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Aaron Stephenson source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-0019-1607 uri: start-date: day: null month: value: '05' year: value: '2014' url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1508944616090 summaries: - employment-summary: created-date: value: 1508944477897 department-name: Center for Limnology display-index: '0' end-date: day: null month: value: '04' year: value: '2014' external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1508944616090 organization: address: city: Madison country: US region: WI disambiguated-organization: disambiguated-organization-identifier: '5228' disambiguation-source: RINGGOLD name: University of Wisconsin Madison path: /0000-0002-0019-1607/employment/4817194 put-code: 4817194 role-title: Database and System Administrator source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Aaron Stephenson source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-0019-1607 uri: start-date: day: null month: value: '06' year: value: '2010' url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1508944699088 summaries: - employment-summary: created-date: value: 1508944699088 department-name: null display-index: '0' end-date: day: null month: value: '06' year: value: '2010' external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1508944699088 organization: address: city: Madison country: US region: WI disambiguated-organization: null name: GeoAnalytics, Inc. path: /0000-0002-0019-1607/employment/4817215 put-code: 4817215 role-title: Systems Analyst source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Aaron Stephenson source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-0019-1607 uri: start-date: day: null month: value: '12' year: value: '2006' url: null visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1508944771400 summaries: - employment-summary: created-date: value: 1508944771400 department-name: null display-index: '0' end-date: day: null month: value: '12' year: value: '2006' external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1508944771400 organization: address: city: Madison country: US region: WI disambiguated-organization: null name: GeoDecisions path: /0000-0002-0019-1607/employment/4817223 put-code: 4817223 role-title: GIS Analyst source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Aaron Stephenson source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-0019-1607 uri: start-date: day: null month: value: 08 year: value: '2005' url: null visibility: public last-modified-date: value: 1508944771400 path: /0000-0002-0019-1607/employments history: claimed: true completion-date: null creation-method: DIRECT deactivation-date: null last-modified-date: value: 1508948729180 source: null submission-date: value: 1508942178848 verified-email: true verified-primary-email: true person: name: created-date: value: 1508942178848 credit-name: null family-name: value: Stephenson given-names: value: Aaron last-modified-date: value: 1508942179083 path: 0000-0002-0019-1607 source: null visibility: public researcher-urls: last-modified-date: value: 1508948729183 path: /0000-0002-0019-1607/researcher-urls researcher-url: - created-date: value: 1508948729183 display-index: 1 last-modified-date: value: 1508948729183 path: /0000-0002-0019-1607/researcher-urls/1273518 put-code: 1273518 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Aaron Stephenson source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-0019-1607 uri: url: value: url-name: WIM visibility: public
USGS Staff Profile:
'@context': '@type': Person affiliation: [] description: - '@type': TextObject abstract: Geographer additionalType: short description - '@type': TextObject abstract: Senior Developer and Solutions Architect at WiM additionalType: staff profile page introductory statement - '@type': TextObject abstract: Aaron Stephenson is a full stack developer and solutions architect at WiM, but essentially he is their jack-of-all-trades. He has a decade of experience in system administration, database administration, information management, systems analysis, as well as back end and front end development, almost all of which have been in support of GIS data, services, and applications. Currently, most of his time is engaged in supporting WIM's migration to a service-oriented architecture and cloud computing. In his free time, Aaron loves reading, getting outdoors to hike and canoe, and attempting to become a decent cook. additionalType: personal statement email: hasCredential: [] hasOccupation: - '@type': OrganizationalRole roleName: Geographer startDate: '2024-05-12T15:26:41.896517' identifier: - '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: GeoKB value: - '@type': PropertyValue propertyID: ORCID value: 0000-0002-0019-1607 jobTitle: Geographer knowsAbout: - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: cloud computing - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: software application development - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: web service development - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: database administration - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: system administration - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: information management - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: geographic information systems (GIS) - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: geospatial analysis - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: cartography - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: python - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: javascript - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: typescript - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: SQL - '@type': Thing additionalType: self-claimed expertise name: Amazon Web Services (AWS) memberOf: '@type': OrganizationalRole member: '@type': Organization name: U.S. Geological Survey name: staff member startDate: '2024-05-12T15:26:41.893863' name: Aaron J Stephenson url: