Item talk:Q165986

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Revision as of 14:43, 12 May 2024 by Sky (talk | contribs)

USGS Staff Profile:

 '@type': Person
 affiliation: []
 - '@type': TextObject
   abstract: Biologist with the Fort Collins Science Center
   additionalType: short description
 - '@type': TextObject
   abstract: Amanda Kissel is a biologist in the Invasive Species and Biothreats
     branch at the Fort Collins Science Center. Her work is primarily focused on
     invasive reptiles.
   additionalType: staff profile page introductory statement
 - '@type': TextObject
   abstract: "Amanda Kissel is a quantitative population ecologist with applied experience\
     \ in amphibian and reptile conservation. Her focus is on developing population\
     \ models and tools that managers can use to make informed decisions. She\u2019\
     s worked in a wide array of systems, ranging from montane environments in the\
     \ Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountains, vernal pools in the San Juaquin Valley\
     \ of California, the Mojave Desert in the Southwestern US, and the Wider Caribbean\
     \ region. Amanda has worked with a diverse array of partners, including the\
     \ National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, US Fish and Wildlife Service,\
     \ non-profit organizations, and international government agencies, and finds\
     \ that science works best when done in close collaboration with partners. Amanda\u2019\
     s current focus is on modeling population dynamics of invasive reptiles."
   additionalType: personal statement
 - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential
   name: PhD in Biology, Simon Fraser University, 2017
 - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential
   name: BSc in Wildlife Biology, Colorado State University, 2008
 - '@type': OrganizationalRole
     '@type': Organization
     name: Fort Collins Science Center
   roleName: Biologist
   startDate: '2024-05-12T14:28:17.217363'
 - '@type': Occupation
   additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
   name: Biologist, Fort Collins Science Center, USGS
 - '@type': PropertyValue
   propertyID: GeoKB
 - '@type': PropertyValue
   propertyID: ORCID
   value: 0000-0002-6346-7455
 jobTitle: Biologist
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Amphibian Ecology
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Analytical Methods
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Climate Science
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Demography and Modeling
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Herpetology
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Hierarchical Modeling
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Invasive Species
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Population Dynamics
 - '@type': Thing
   additionalType: self-claimed expertise
   name: Quantitative Ecology
   '@type': OrganizationalRole
     '@type': Organization
     name: U.S. Geological Survey
   name: staff member
   startDate: '2024-05-12T14:28:17.214633'
 name: Amanda M Kissel, PhD