Item talk:Q44959

From geokb
Revision as of 13:16, 11 May 2024 by Sky (talk | contribs) (Replaced content with "'@context': '@type': Person affiliation: [] description: - '@type': TextObject abstract: Research Ecologist, Northwest CASC with the Climate Adaptation Science Centers additionalType: short description - '@type': TextObject abstract: John Bradford is a Research Ecologist with the USGS Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center. John studies dryland ecosystems in the context of global change and works with resource managers to ide...")

'@context': '@type': Person affiliation: [] description: - '@type': TextObject

 abstract: Research Ecologist, Northwest CASC with the Climate Adaptation Science
 additionalType: short description

- '@type': TextObject

 abstract: John Bradford is a Research Ecologist with the USGS Northwest Climate
   Adaptation Science Center. John studies dryland ecosystems in the context of global
   change and works with resource managers to identify adaptive strategies for sustaining
   these ecosystems in a changing world.
 additionalType: staff profile page introductory statement

- '@type': TextObject

 abstract: John focuses on understanding how changing climate, disturbances, and
   land use influence dryland vegetation, plant communities, and ecosystem services.
   He is currently engaged in the broad topics of ecohydrology and dryland sustainability
   in the western U.S. and has projects examining a) the potential influence of changing
   climatic conditions on the distribution and regeneration potential of trees and
   shrubs in the intermountain western U.S., b) strategies for understanding and
   enhancing dryland ecosystem resilience to changing climate and drought patterns,
   and c) ecosystem water balance and patterns of plant-available soil water in dryland
 additionalType: personal statement

email: hasCredential: - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential

 name: 2004 - Ph.D., Ecology, Colorado State University

- '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential

 name: 1996 - B.A., Biology, Cornell University

hasOccupation: - '@type': OrganizationalRole

   '@type': Organization
   name: Climate Adaptation Science Centers
 roleName: Research Ecologist, Northwest CASC
 startDate: '2024-05-10T20:41:50.143208'

- '@type': Occupation

 additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
 name: '2011- Present: Research Ecologist - US Geological Survey, Southwest Biological
   Science Center, Flagstaff, AZ'

- '@type': Occupation

 additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
 name: '2006 - 2011: Research Ecologist - USDA Forest Service, North Central Research
   Station, Grand Rapids, MN'

- '@type': Occupation

 additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
 name: '2004 - 2006: Research Ecologist (Postdoctoral) - USDA Forest Service, Rocky
   Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO'

identifier: - '@type': PropertyValue

 propertyID: ORCID
 value: 0000-0001-9257-6303

jobTitle: Research Ecologist, Northwest CASC knowsAbout: [] memberOf:

 '@type': OrganizationalRole
   '@type': Organization
   name: U.S. Geological Survey
 name: staff member
 startDate: '2024-05-10T20:41:50.139634'

name: John B Bradford, Ph.D. url: