Item talk:Q47129

From geokb
Revision as of 12:55, 11 May 2024 by Sky (talk | contribs)

'@context': '@type': Person affiliation: [] description: - '@type': TextObject

 abstract: Physical Scientist with the Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center
 additionalType: short description

- '@type': TextObject

 abstract: Michelle is a Physical Scientist at the Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science
 additionalType: staff profile page introductory statement

- '@type': TextObject

 abstract: "Michelle is a Physical Scientist at the Lower Mississippi-Gulf (LMG)\
   \ Water Science Center, stationed at EPA\u2019s Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) Office\
   \ in Annapolis, MD. She joined the CBP in October 2023, and now supports efforts\
   \ to monitor and benchmark Chesapeake restoration progress using geospatial analysis\
   \ and modelling.Prior to joining the LMG and CBP, Michelle spent 4 years as a\
   \ Physical Scientist at the MD-DE-DC Water Science Center in Baltimore, MD. During\
   \ her time at MD-DE-DC, Michelle provided science and leadership support to local,\
   \ regional, and national projects funded by DC DOEE, USGS Chesapeake Bay PES,\
   \ USGS Water Mission Area, and USGS Community for Data Integration.Recent project\
   \ themes:Urban flood frequency analysisWater Use data acquisition, storage and\
   \ managementAnomaly detection for timeseries dataSoftware developmentCloud computing;\
   \ Statistical programmingGeospatial programmingSediment budgets.Watershed modelling"
 additionalType: personal statement

- '@type': TextObject

 abstract: 'Katoski, M.P., Cashman, M.J., and Lester T., Vogel K., 2023. From reactive-
   to condition-based maintenance: Artificial intelligence for anomaly predictions
   and operational decision-making. USGS Timeseries Record Automation Focus Group.
   June 22, 2023.'
 additionalType: staff profile page abstract

- '@type': TextObject

 abstract: "Katoski, M.P., Baker, M.E, 2023. Characterizing urban woodlands using\
   \ LiDAR derived metrics of vertical structure in Baltimore, MD. International\
   \ Association of Landscape Ecology \u2013 North America Annual Meeting. Riverside,\
   \ CA; March 22, 2023."
 additionalType: staff profile page abstract

- '@type': TextObject

 abstract: 'Katoski, M.P., Cashman, M.J., and Lester T., Vogel K., 2022. From reactive-
   to condition-based maintenance: Artificial intelligence for anomaly predictions
   and operational decision-making. USGS Community for Data Integration. August 11,
 additionalType: staff profile page abstract

email: hasCredential: - '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential

 name: 'M.S. Student (2020 - Present) University of Maryland, Baltimore CountyDepartment
   of Geography and Environmental Systems, Committee Chair: Matthew Baker'

- '@type': EducationalOccupationalCredential

 name: B.S. Environmental Science, GIS Certificate (2014 - 2017)University of Maryland,
   Baltimore County

hasOccupation: - '@type': OrganizationalRole

   '@type': Organization
   name: Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center
 roleName: Physical Scientist
 startDate: '2024-05-10T20:46:05.529890'

- '@type': Occupation

 additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
 name: "Physical Scientist (September 2023 \u2013 Present) - Lower Mississippi-Gulf\
   \ Water Science Center, Chesapeake Bay Program Office, Annapolis, MD"

- '@type': Occupation

 additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
 name: "Physical Scientist (September 2019 \u2013 October 2023) - MD-DE-DC Water\
   \ Science Center Baltimore, MD"

- '@type': Occupation

 additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
 name: "Student Researcher (December 2017 \u2013 September 2019) - University of\
   \ Maryland, Baltimore County Baltimore, MD"

- '@type': Occupation

 additionalType: self-claimed professional experience
 name: "Seasonal Technician (May 2018 \u2013 November 2018) - Maryland Department\
   \ of Natural Resources, Annapolis, MD"

identifier: - '@type': PropertyValue

 propertyID: ORCID
 value: 0000-0001-5550-0705

jobTitle: Physical Scientist knowsAbout: - '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: Landscape structure and function

- '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: Modelling forest structure

- '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: Land use and land change

- '@type': Thing

 additionalType: self-claimed expertise
 name: Watershed modelling


 '@type': OrganizationalRole
   '@type': Organization
   name: U.S. Geological Survey
 name: staff member
 startDate: '2024-05-10T20:46:05.526536'

name: Michelle P Katoski url: