Item talk:Q54510
From geokb
meta: status_code: 200 timestamp: '2023-10-20T08:42:44.830042' url: orcid: activities: employments: affiliation-group: - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1563907437698 summaries: - employment-summary: created-date: value: 1563907437698 department-name: null display-index: '1' end-date: null external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1563907437698 organization: address: city: Tucson country: US region: Arizona disambiguated-organization: disambiguated-organization-identifier: '2928' disambiguation-source: RINGGOLD name: US Geological Survey path: /0000-0002-3225-0317/employment/8314555 put-code: 8314555 role-title: null source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Jessica Walker source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-3225-0317 uri: start-date: null url: null visibility: public last-modified-date: value: 1563907437698 path: /0000-0002-3225-0317/employments works: group: - 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external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.rse.2020.112013 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.rse.2020.112013 last-modified-date: value: 1639604420046 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1639604420046 display-index: '1' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.rse.2020.112013 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.rse.2020.112013 - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 0034-4257 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: part-of external-id-type: issn external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 0034-4257 journal-title: value: Remote Sensing of Environment last-modified-date: value: 1639604420046 path: /0000-0002-3225-0317/work/104817629 publication-date: day: null month: value: '11' year: value: '2020' put-code: 104817629 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Jessica Walker source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-3225-0317 uri: title: subtitle: null title: value: Solar and sensor geometry, not vegetation response, drive satellite NDVI phenology in widespread ecosystems of the western United States translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public - 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external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.jag.2019.101973 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.jag.2019.101973 last-modified-date: value: 1639604357129 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1639604357129 display-index: '1' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.jag.2019.101973 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.jag.2019.101973 - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 0303-2434 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: part-of external-id-type: issn external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 0303-2434 journal-title: value: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation last-modified-date: value: 1639604357129 path: /0000-0002-3225-0317/work/104817598 publication-date: day: null month: value: '02' year: value: '2020' put-code: 104817598 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Jessica Walker source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-3225-0317 uri: title: subtitle: null title: value: Integrating stream gage data and Landsat imagery to complete time-series of surface water extents in Central Valley, California translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.3390/rs11232782 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.3390/rs11232782 last-modified-date: value: 1653811254324 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1575162083257 display-index: '2' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.3390/rs11232782 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.3390/rs11232782 journal-title: value: Remote Sensing last-modified-date: value: 1653811254324 path: /0000-0002-3225-0317/work/65334243 publication-date: day: null month: value: '11' year: value: '2019' put-code: 65334243 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: host: path: APP-WRQOUAK78G5F7GMD uri: source-name: value: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute source-orcid: null title: subtitle: null title: value: Phenology Patterns Indicate Recovery Trajectories of Ponderosa Pine Forests After High-Severity Fires translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.04.019 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.04.019 last-modified-date: value: 1639604315078 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1639604315078 display-index: '1' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.04.019 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.04.019 - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 0034-4257 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: part-of external-id-type: issn external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 0034-4257 journal-title: value: Remote Sensing of Environment last-modified-date: value: 1639604315078 path: /0000-0002-3225-0317/work/104817583 publication-date: day: null month: value: 08 year: value: '2015' put-code: 104817583 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Jessica Walker source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-3225-0317 uri: title: subtitle: null title: value: Land surface phenology along urban to rural gradients in the U.S. Great Plains translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.rse.2011.10.014 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.rse.2011.10.014 last-modified-date: value: 1639604276406 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1639604276406 display-index: '1' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.rse.2011.10.014 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.rse.2011.10.014 - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 0034-4257 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: part-of external-id-type: issn external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 0034-4257 journal-title: value: Remote Sensing of Environment last-modified-date: value: 1639604276406 path: /0000-0002-3225-0317/work/104817569 publication-date: day: null month: value: '02' year: value: '2012' put-code: 104817569 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Jessica Walker source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-3225-0317 uri: title: subtitle: null title: value: Evaluation of Landsat and MODIS data fusion products for analysis of dryland forest phenology translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public last-modified-date: value: 1653875146033 path: /0000-0002-3225-0317/works history: claimed: true completion-date: null creation-method: MEMBER_REFERRED deactivation-date: null last-modified-date: value: 1681229099979 source: null submission-date: value: 1460155864176 verified-email: true verified-primary-email: true person: addresses: address: - country: value: US created-date: value: 1460156231086 display-index: 0 last-modified-date: value: 1460156231086 path: /0000-0002-3225-0317/address/453411 put-code: 453411 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Jessica Walker source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-3225-0317 uri: visibility: public last-modified-date: value: 1460156231086 path: /0000-0002-3225-0317/address name: created-date: value: 1460758500235 credit-name: null family-name: value: Walker given-names: value: Jessica last-modified-date: value: 1460758500235 path: 0000-0002-3225-0317 source: null visibility: public other-names: last-modified-date: value: 1460156219570 other-name: - content: Jess created-date: value: 1460156219570 display-index: 0 last-modified-date: value: 1460156219570 path: /0000-0002-3225-0317/other-names/707318 put-code: 707318 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Jessica Walker source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-3225-0317 uri: visibility: public path: /0000-0002-3225-0317/other-names
meta: url: timestamp: '2024-01-30T21:23:44.954417' status_code: 200 profile: name: Jessica J Walker name_qualifier: null titles: - Research Geographer organizations: - !!python/tuple - Western Geographic Science Center - email: orcid: 0000-0002-3225-0317 intro_statements: - Jessica started with the USGS as a Mendenhall Postdoctoral Researcher in 2014. expertise_terms: - remote sensing - geospatial analysis - geographic information systems - image analysis - real-time monitoring and reporting - statistical analysis - land use change - fires - desert ecosystems - forest ecosystems - grassland ecosystems - shrubland ecosystems professional_experience: [] education: - 2012 - Ph.D. Geospatial and Environmental Analysis, Virginia Tech - 2000 - M.A. Geography, University of Arizona, Tucson - 1991 - B.A. Applied Math, Williams College affiliations: [] honors: [] abstracts: [] personal_statement: Jessica's broad research interests center on the analysis of landscape change using remote sensing data. Past projects have included tracking the vegetative trajectories of areas recovering from fire events, both in the semi-arid, high-elevation forests of Arizona and the boreal forests of Alaska. Additional recent work includes examining surface inundation patterns via Landsat and MODIS imagery as part of the PLACE project (Patterns in the Landscape - Analyses of Cause and Effect).