Item talk:Q46436

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Revision as of 20:33, 30 January 2024 by Sky (talk | contribs) (Updated item talk page content)


   timestamp: '2024-01-30T13:33:25.516158'
   status_code: 200
   name: Nickolas J Grim
   name_qualifier: null
   - Physical Scientist
   - !!python/tuple
     - Pennsylvania Water Science Center
   orcid: null
   - Nickolas J. Grim has been a Hydrologic Technician with the Hydrologic Surveillance
     Program at the Pennsylvania Water Science Center since January 2017.  He serves
     as a Lead Hydrologic Technician for Instrumentation for surface water and water
     quality for the Center.
   - Surface Water Discharge Measurements
   - Groundwater Elevation Measurements
   - Surface Water, Groundwater, and Water Quality Record Computation
   - Maintenance and Calibration of Multiple Parameter Continuous Water Quality Sondes
   - Gaging Station Infrastructure Installation & Improvements
   - Gage Datum Maintenance
   professional_experience: []
   - Bachelor's degree in Geoenvironmental Studies and GIS certificate from Shippensburg
   affiliations: []
   honors: []
   abstracts: []
   personal_statement: "As a Hydrologic Technician with the Hydrologic Surveillance\
     \ Program at the Pennsylvania Water Science Center, Nickolas J. Grim has been\
     \ responsible for the following tasks:Measure Surface Water Discharge by means\
     \ of wading, conventional bridge crane and ADCP\u2019sProgram and maintain Data\
     \ Collection Platforms and Satellite Telemetry instrumentation at gaging stationsRegularly\
     \ analyze and approve continuous stage-discharge, reservoir elevation, groundwater\
     \ elevation & water quality recordsInstall, maintain & improve Gage InfrastructurePerform\
     \ groundwater elevation measurementsMaintain gage datums by routinely surveying\
     \ station levelsService and maintain Multiple Parameter Continuous Water Quality\
     \ Data SondesService CSGs & flag high water marks and document their reliability\
     \ to aid in peak verificationCalibrate and maintain climatological instrumentation\
     \ including Precipitation Gages and Air Temperature thermistors.Prior to joining\
     \ the USGS, Nickolas J. Grim was an Environmental Scientist for Triad Engineering\
     \ Inc. from February 2013 to January 2017, where he performed tasks including:Project\
     \ Management: including proposal preparation, client relations, coordination\
     \ with state regulators and subcontractors, completion of field work, evaluation\
     \ of analytical results, preparation and delivery of summary reports and project\
     \ invoicingPerformed Stream Discharge Monitoring and Sampling for NPDES CompliancePerformed\
     \ groundwater Slug Tests, Infiltration Tests, Step Tests, and 72-hour Pump TestsInstalled\
     \ and maintained Dual Phase Extraction Remediation Systems & Ferret\xAE In-Well\
     \ SeparatorsPerformed Groundwater, Drinking Water, Soil, and Air SamplingConducted\
     \ Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessments, Tank Excavation Assessments,\
     \ Remedial Excavations, and Test Pit ExcavationsLogged Air Rotary, Geoprobe,\
     \ and Hollow Stem Auger DrillingCreated Site Diagrams, Groundwater Contour Maps,\
     \ and Fence Diagrams via AutoCAD"