Item talk:Q47894
From geokb
meta: status_code: 200 timestamp: '2023-10-20T09:25:30.063673' url: orcid: activities: educations: affiliation-group: - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1637001826106 summaries: - education-summary: created-date: value: 1637001826106 department-name: Civil and Environmental Engineering display-index: '1' end-date: day: null month: null year: value: '2020' external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1637001826106 organization: address: city: University Park country: US region: PA disambiguated-organization: disambiguated-organization-identifier: '8082' disambiguation-source: RINGGOLD name: The Pennsylvania State University path: /0000-0001-8390-0028/education/16382722 put-code: 16382722 role-title: PhD source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Bonnie McDevitt source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0001-8390-0028 uri: start-date: day: null month: null year: value: '2016' url: null visibility: public last-modified-date: value: 1637001826106 path: /0000-0001-8390-0028/educations employments: affiliation-group: - 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external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156331 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156331 last-modified-date: value: 1689778189942 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1689778189942 display-index: '1' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156331 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156331 - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 0048-9697 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: part-of external-id-type: issn external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 0048-9697 journal-title: value: Science of The Total Environment last-modified-date: value: 1689778189942 path: /0000-0001-8390-0028/work/138957777 publication-date: day: null month: value: 09 year: value: '2022' put-code: 138957777 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Bonnie McDevitt source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0001-8390-0028 uri: title: subtitle: null title: value: 'Dissolved organic matter within oil and gas associated wastewaters from U.S. unconventional petroleum plays: Comparisons and consequences for disposal and reuse' translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149347 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149347 last-modified-date: value: 1629468636277 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1629468636277 display-index: '1' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149347 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149347 - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 0048-9697 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: part-of external-id-type: issn external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 0048-9697 journal-title: value: Science of The Total Environment last-modified-date: value: 1629468636277 path: /0000-0001-8390-0028/work/98730511 publication-date: day: null month: value: '12' year: value: '2021' put-code: 98730511 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Bonnie McDevitt source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0001-8390-0028 uri: title: subtitle: null title: value: Efficacy of oil and gas produced water as a dust suppressant translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1021/acsestwater.1c00135 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1021/acsestwater.1c00135 last-modified-date: value: 1654131376481 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1629466473724 display-index: '0' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1021/acsestwater.1c00135 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1021/acsestwater.1c00135 journal-title: value: ACS ES&T Water last-modified-date: value: 1654131376481 path: /0000-0001-8390-0028/work/98729301 publication-date: day: value: '10' month: value: 09 year: value: '2021' put-code: 98729301 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: host: path: 0000-0001-9884-1913 uri: source-name: value: Crossref source-orcid: null title: subtitle: null title: value: Freshwater Mussel Soft Tissue Incorporates Strontium Isotopic Signatures of Oil and Gas Produced Water translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public - 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external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1038/s41598-020-72014-6 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1038/s41598-020-72014-6 last-modified-date: value: 1604410868469 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1604410868469 display-index: '1' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1038/s41598-020-72014-6 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1038/s41598-020-72014-6 - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 2045-2322 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: part-of external-id-type: issn external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 2045-2322 journal-title: value: Scientific Reports last-modified-date: value: 1604410868469 path: /0000-0001-8390-0028/work/82882737 publication-date: day: null month: value: '12' year: value: '2020' put-code: 82882737 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Bonnie McDevitt source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0001-8390-0028 uri: title: subtitle: null title: value: 'Forensic tracers of exposure to produced water in freshwater mussels: a preliminary assessment of Ba, Sr, and cyclic hydrocarbons' translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137006 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137006 last-modified-date: value: 1597069446811 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1597069446811 display-index: '1' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137006 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137006 - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 0048-9697 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: part-of external-id-type: issn external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 0048-9697 journal-title: value: Science of The Total Environment last-modified-date: value: 1597069446811 path: /0000-0001-8390-0028/work/78599134 publication-date: day: null month: value: '05' year: value: '2020' put-code: 78599134 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Bonnie McDevitt source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0001-8390-0028 uri: title: subtitle: null title: value: Isotopic and element ratios fingerprint salinization impact from beneficial use of oil and gas produced water in the Western U.S. translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1021/acs.est.9b07072 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1021/acs.est.9b07072 last-modified-date: value: 1653878821157 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1586177401172 display-index: '0' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1021/acs.est.9b07072 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1021/acs.est.9b07072 journal-title: value: Environmental Science & Technology last-modified-date: value: 1653878821157 path: /0000-0001-8390-0028/work/71607077 publication-date: day: value: '21' month: value: '04' year: value: '2020' put-code: 71607077 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: host: path: 0000-0001-9884-1913 uri: source-name: value: Crossref source-orcid: null title: subtitle: null title: value: Maximum Removal Efficiency of Barium, Strontium, Radium, and Sulfate with Optimum AMD-Marcellus Flowback Mixing Ratios for Beneficial Use in the Northern Appalachian Basin translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136607 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136607 last-modified-date: value: 1653849229284 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1578758914264 display-index: '0' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136607 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136607 journal-title: value: Science of The Total Environment last-modified-date: value: 1653849229284 path: /0000-0001-8390-0028/work/67148438 publication-date: day: null month: value: '04' year: value: '2020' put-code: 67148438 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: host: path: 0000-0001-9884-1913 uri: source-name: value: Crossref source-orcid: null title: subtitle: null title: value: Water quality assessment downstream of oil and gas produced water discharges intended for beneficial reuse in arid regions translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1039/c8em00336j external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1039/C8EM00336J last-modified-date: value: 1653680117064 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1548782370512 display-index: '0' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1039/c8em00336j external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: value: external-id-value: 10.1039/C8EM00336J journal-title: value: 'Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts' last-modified-date: value: 1653680117064 path: /0000-0001-8390-0028/work/53329419 publication-date: day: null month: null year: value: '2019' put-code: 53329419 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: host: path: 0000-0001-9884-1913 uri: source-name: value: Crossref source-orcid: null title: subtitle: null title: value: 'Emerging investigator series: radium accumulation in carbonate river sediments at oil and gas produced water discharges: implications for beneficial use as disposal management' translated-title: null type: journal-article url: value: visibility: public - external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.10.011 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: null external-id-value: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.10.011 last-modified-date: value: 1653686827768 work-summary: - created-date: value: 1550755600563 display-index: '0' external-ids: external-id: - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.10.011 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: self external-id-type: doi external-id-url: null external-id-value: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.10.011 - external-id-normalized: transient: true value: 0883-2927 external-id-normalized-error: null external-id-relationship: part-of external-id-type: issn external-id-url: null external-id-value: 0883-2927 journal-title: value: Applied Geochemistry last-modified-date: value: 1653686827768 path: /0000-0001-8390-0028/work/54414158 publication-date: day: null month: value: '11' year: value: '2018' put-code: 54414158 source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: value: Bonnie McDevitt assertion-origin-orcid: host: path: 0000-0001-8390-0028 uri: source-client-id: host: path: 0000-0002-3054-1567 uri: source-name: value: Crossref Metadata Search source-orcid: null title: subtitle: null title: value: Radium attenuation and mobilization in stream sediments following oil and gas wastewater disposal in western Pennsylvania translated-title: null type: journal-article url: null visibility: public - 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meta: status_code: 200 timestamp: '2023-09-30T16:58:19.683508' url: profile: abstracts: [] affiliations: [] education: - Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 2020 - B.S. Wildlife Conservation, Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Delaware, 2012 email: expertise_terms: - Geochemistry - Water resources - Wastewater treatment - Energy resources - NORM - Isotopic analysis - Environmental impacts - Produced water characterization - Beneficial reuse honors: [] intro_statements: - Bonnie McDevitt is a Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research Engineer with the U.S. Geological Survey Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center in Reston, VA. name: Bonnie McDevitt name_qualifier: null orcid: 0000-0001-8390-0028 organization_link: organization_name: Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center personal_statement: "Bonnie is a Mendenhall Fellow working within the Research\ \ Opportunity \u201CReuse and treatment of high salinity waters produced from\ \ hydrocarbon wells.\u201D Her current research focuses on radium removal from\ \ produced waters utilizing optimized barite seeding and AMD-sourced iron and\ \ manganese oxide sorption. Bonnie obtained her B.S. from the University of\ \ Delaware in 2012 and her Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University Department\ \ of Civil & Environmental Engineering in 2020. She worked for 3 years in the\ \ drinking water and domestic wastewater treatment industry prior to starting\ \ her Ph.D." professional_experience: - '2016-2020: Graduate teaching and research assistant, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA' - '2015-2016: Apprentice Water/Wastewater Operator & Lab technician, Wrightstown Municipal Utilities Authority, Wrightstown, NJ' - '2013-2016: Source Water Protection Specialist, New Jersey Water Association, Waretown, NJ' title: Research Engineer