Item talk:Q44722
From geokb
meta: status_code: 200 timestamp: '2023-10-20T08:42:19.502203' url: orcid: activities: educations: affiliation-group: - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1561468855704 summaries: - education-summary: created-date: value: 1561468855704 department-name: Geoscience display-index: '1' end-date: null external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1561468855704 organization: address: city: Portland country: US region: ME disambiguated-organization: disambiguated-organization-identifier: '6689' disambiguation-source: RINGGOLD name: University of Southern Maine path: /0000-0002-4355-5175/education/8139288 put-code: 8139288 role-title: B.S. Geoscience source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Michael Beardsley source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-4355-5175 uri: start-date: null url: null visibility: public last-modified-date: value: 1561468855704 path: /0000-0002-4355-5175/educations employments: affiliation-group: - external-ids: external-id: [] last-modified-date: value: 1561468796950 summaries: - employment-summary: created-date: value: 1561468796950 department-name: Department of the Interior display-index: '1' end-date: null external-ids: null last-modified-date: value: 1561468796950 organization: address: city: Augusta country: US region: ME disambiguated-organization: null name: U.S. Geological Survey path: /0000-0002-4355-5175/employment/8139279 put-code: 8139279 role-title: Hydrologic Technician source: assertion-origin-client-id: null assertion-origin-name: null assertion-origin-orcid: null source-client-id: null source-name: value: Michael Beardsley source-orcid: host: path: 0000-0002-4355-5175 uri: start-date: day: value: '06' month: value: '07' year: value: '2010' url: null visibility: public last-modified-date: value: 1561468796950 path: /0000-0002-4355-5175/employments history: claimed: true completion-date: null creation-method: DIRECT deactivation-date: null last-modified-date: value: 1561468855705 source: null submission-date: value: 1561465294237 verified-email: true verified-primary-email: true person: name: created-date: value: 1561465294237 credit-name: null family-name: value: Beardsley given-names: value: Michael last-modified-date: value: 1561465294480 path: 0000-0002-4355-5175 source: null visibility: public
meta: status_code: 200 timestamp: '2023-09-30T16:35:49.776090' url: profile: abstracts: [] affiliations: [] education: - B.S. Geoscience, University of Southern Maine, 2009 email: expertise_terms: [] honors: [] intro_statements: - Michael Beardsley is a Hydrologic Technician in the New England Water Science Center. name: Michael Beardsley name_qualifier: null orcid: 0000-0002-4355-5175 organization_link: organization_name: New England Water Science Center personal_statement: Michael currently works on surface water and groundwater hydrologic data collection such as streamflow measurements, groundwater monitoring, and flood documentation and mapping. professional_experience: - 2010 - present, U.S. Geological Survey - Hydrologic Technician title: Hydrologic Technician