Item talk:Q49063

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   status_code: 200
   timestamp: '2023-09-30T17:28:29.522896'
   abstracts: []
   affiliations: []
   - '2014-2019: PhD in Earth Sciences, University of Minnesota'
   - "\u2022    Dissertation title: \u201CControls on the Flux Distribution of Delta\
     \ Networks\u201D"
   - "\u2022    Advisor: Chris Paola"
   - '2010-2014: B.A. in Earth Science (with honors), University of Pennsylvania,
     Minor: Mathematics'
   - "\u2022    Thesis title: \u201CDynamics and Geometry of Equilibrium Channels\
     \ Well Above Threshold\u201D"
   - Sediment transport
   - Fluvial Geomorphology
   - Morphodynamics
   - Sedimentation and erosion
   - Hydrology
   - Numerical Modeling
   - Remote sensing
   - Mississippi River Delta
   - Colorado River
   - '2022: Mendenhall Fellowship'
   - '2018: Alvin G. Anderson Award'
   - '2017: Frank and Julie Tsai Travel Award'
   - '2017: EarthCube Early Career Travel Grant'
   - '2015: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship'
   - '2014: College of Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship'
   - '2014: Rose Award'
   - '2014: Henry Darwin Rogers Award'
   - '2013: CURF Climate Action Grant'
   - "2010-2014: Dean\u2019s List"
   - Gerard Salter is a hydrologist at the Southwest Biological Science Center, Grand
     Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. As a Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow,
     his current work focuses primarily on numerical modeling and data analysis of
     fine sediment transport in the Colorado River.
   name: Gerard L Salter, PhD
   name_qualifier: null
   orcid: 0000-0001-6426-0133
   organization_name: Southwest Biological Science Center
   personal_statement: "Gerard\u2019s research interests include sediment transport\
     \ and pattern formation in rivers. His undergraduate thesis at University of\
     \ Pennsylvania focused on self-formed channel geometry in alluvial suspended-sediment\
     \ dominated rivers in the laboratory. His PhD research at University of Minnesota\
     \ was on the dynamics of sediment transport partitioning in delta distributary\
     \ networks, using experiments, numerical modeling, and remote sensing. During\
     \ his postdoc at Caltech, he studied sedimentation and silt/clay transport in\
     \ river deltas through numerical modeling, remote sensing, and field work in\
     \ the Mississippi River Delta. Since starting at USGS in 2022, he has worked\
     \ to develop numerical models for predicting fine sediment transport in the\
     \ Colorado River, with an emphasis on silt and clay, which via turbidity can\
     \ affect native and non-native fish as well as gross primary productivity."
   - '2022-present: Research Hydrologist, US Geological Survey'
   - '2019-2022: Postdoctoral Scholar, California Institute of Technology'
   - '2014-2019: Research Assistant, University of Minnesota'
   - '2018: Summer Research Assistant, Water Institute of the Gulf'
   - "2017: Teaching Assistant \u2013 University of Minnesota, Sedimentology and\
     \ Stratigraphy (ESCI 4602)"
   - '2015-2018: National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellow, University
     of Minnesota'
   - 'Student Mentorship:'
   - "\u2022    2021: Kenny Thai, SURF undergraduate research project: \u201CModelling\
     \ sediment flow on the Mississippi River\u2019s Wax Lake Delta\u201D"
   - "\u2022    2020: Sarah Feil, SURF undergraduate research project: \u201CPredicting\
     \ vertical accretion in the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana.\u201D"
   title: Hydrologist