Item talk:Q47344

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   status_code: 200
   timestamp: '2023-09-30T17:06:06.363327'
   abstracts: []
   affiliations: []
   education: []
   - ecological processes
   - ecosystem functions
   - ecosystems
   - environmental assessment
   - forest ecosystems
   - freshwater ecosystems
   - habitat alteration
   - wetland ecosystems
   - hydrodynamics
   - hydrology
   - percolation
   - runoff
   - scour
   - sediment transport
   - streamflow
   - water circulation
   - bathymetry
   - land surface characteristics
   - unconsolidated deposits
   - human impacts
   - land use and land cover
   - land use change
   - surface water quality
   - droughts
   - floods
   - surface water (non-marine)
   - water properties
   - water quality
   honors: []
   - Dan Kroes has been employed as an ecologist by the USGS since 2001 (2001-06
     National Research Program, Reston, Va; 2006-14 Louisiana Water Science Center,
     Baton Rouge, La; 2014-present Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center, Baton
     Rouge, La)
   name: Daniel Kroes
   name_qualifier: null
   orcid: 0000-0001-9104-9077
   organization_name: Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center
   personal_statement: 'He has studied the effects of stream and floodplain geomorphology
     as it relates to climate, subsidence, sedimentation, channel avulsion, tree-growth,
     nutrient deposition, flow, and water residence times.  His masters research
     was completed at East Carolina University in 2001 under Mark M. Brinson, studying
     how floodplain wetlands and streams change in relation to rainfall and temperature.  He
     has studied streams in Colorado, Delaware, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland,
     Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,
     Texas, and Virginia.Major topics of research are: The Hydraulic and sedimentary
     characterization of the Atchafalaya River Basin,  Stream Restoration, Floodplain
     Subsidence, Sediment and water movement over floodplains.PublicationsBason CW,
     Kroes DE, Brinson MM. 2017. The effect of beaver ponds on water quality in rural
     Coastal Plain Streams. Southeastern Naturalist. 16:584-602.Hupp, C.R., D.E.
     Kroes, E.R. Schenk, G.B. Noe. 2015. Sediment and carbon sequestration in the
     lower Atchaflaya Basin, Louisiana. 3rd Joint Federal Interagency Conference
     on Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling, April 19-23, 2015 Reno, Nevada, USA.
     3rd Joint Federal Interagency Conference on Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling,
     April 19-23, 2015, Reno, Nevada, USA; 04/2015Kroes, D.E., Schenk, E.R., Noe,
     G.B., Benthem, A.J. 2015. Sediment and nutrient trapping as a result of a temporary
     Mississippi River floodplain restoration: The Morganza Spillway during the 2011
     Mississippi River Flood. Ecological Engineering 82:91-102. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.04.056
     [Download File]Hupp, Cliff R.; Schenk, Edward R.; Kroes, Daniel; Willard, Debra
     A.; Townsend, Phil A.; Peet, Robert K., 2015. Patterns of floodplain sediment
     deposition along the regulated lower Roanoke River, North Carolina: annual,
     decadal, centennial scales. Geomorphology , 15 p. [Download File]Kroes, D.E.
     and C.W. Bason. 2015. Sediment-trapping by Beaver Ponds in Streams of the Mid-Atlantic
     Piedmont and Coastal Plain, USA. Southeastern Naturalist 14:577-595. [Download
     File]Scott, Durelle T.; Keim, Richard F.; Edwards, Brandon L.; Jones, C. Nathan;
     Kroes, Daniel E., 2014. Floodplain biogeochemical processing of floodwaters
     in the Atchafalaya River Basin during the Mississippi River flood of 2011. J
     of Geophysical Res. Biogeosciences.Justus, B. G., S. V. Mize, J. Wallace, and
     D. Kroes. "Invertebrate and fish assemblage relations to dissolved oxygen minima
     in lowland streams of southwestern Louisiana."River Research and Applications30,
     no. 1 (2014): 11-28. [Download File]Kroes, Daniel E., and Thomas F. Kraemer.
     "Human-induced stream channel abandonment/capture and'
   professional_experience: []
   title: Ecologist