Item talk:Q265291

From geokb
Revision as of 20:51, 21 August 2024 by Sky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{ "USGS Publications Warehouse": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "additionalType": "Journal Article", "name": "Global assessment of marine plastic exposure for oceanic birds", "identifier": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse IndexID", "value": "70247089", "url": "" }, { "@type": "PropertyVa...")
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 "USGS Publications Warehouse": {
   "@context": "",
   "@type": "Article",
   "additionalType": "Journal Article",
   "name": "Global assessment of marine plastic exposure for oceanic birds",
   "identifier": [
       "@type": "PropertyValue",
       "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse IndexID",
       "value": "70247089",
       "url": ""
       "@type": "PropertyValue",
       "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse Internal ID",
       "value": 70247089
       "@type": "PropertyValue",
       "propertyID": "DOI",
       "value": "10.1038/s41467-023-38900-z",
       "url": ""
   "journal": {
     "@type": "Periodical",
     "name": "Nature Communications",
     "volumeNumber": "14",
     "issueNumber": null
   "inLanguage": "en",
   "isPartOf": [
       "@type": "CreativeWorkSeries",
       "name": "Nature Communications"
   "datePublished": "2023",
   "dateModified": "2023-07-24",
   "abstract": "Plastic pollution is distributed patchily around the world\u2019s oceans. Likewise, marine organisms that are vulnerable to plastic ingestion or entanglement have uneven distributions. Understanding where wildlife encounters plastic is crucial for targeting research and mitigation. Oceanic seabirds, particularly petrels, frequently ingest plastic, are highly threatened, and cover vast distances during foraging and migration. However, the spatial overlap between petrels and plastics is poorly understood. Here we combine marine plastic density estimates with individual movement data for 7137 birds of 77 petrel species to estimate relative exposure risk. We identify high exposure risk areas in the Mediterranean and Black seas, and the northeast Pacific, northwest Pacific, South Atlantic and southwest Indian oceans. Plastic exposure risk varies greatly among species and populations, and between breeding and non-breeding seasons. Exposure risk is disproportionately high for Threatened species. Outside the Mediterranean and Black seas, exposure risk is highest in the high seas and Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of the USA, Japan, and the UK. Birds generally had higher plastic exposure risk outside the EEZ of the country where they breed. We identify conservation and research priorities, and highlight that international collaboration is key to addressing the impacts of marine plastic on wide-ranging species.",
   "description": "3665, 14 p.",
   "publisher": {
     "@type": "Organization",
     "name": "Nature"
   "author": [
       "@type": "Person",
       "name": "Wittmer, Heiko U.",
       "givenName": "Heiko U.",
       "familyName": "Wittmer",
       "identifier": {
         "@type": "PropertyValue",
         "propertyID": "ORCID",
         "value": "0000-0002-8861-188X",
         "url": ""
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           "@type": "Organization",
           "name": "Victoria University of Wellington"
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       "name": "Weimerskirch, Henri",
       "givenName": "Henri",
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         "@type": "PropertyValue",
         "propertyID": "ORCID",
         "value": "0000-0002-0457-586X",
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       "@type": "Person",
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         "value": "0000-0002-3698-588X",
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           "@type": "Organization",
           "name": "Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, 2 The Terrace, Wellington 6011, New Zealand"
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       "name": "Wakefield, Ewan D.",
       "givenName": "Ewan D.",
       "familyName": "Wakefield",
       "affiliation": [
           "@type": "Organization",
           "name": "Durham University"
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       "name": "Vidal, Eric",
       "givenName": "Eric",
       "familyName": "Vidal",
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           "@type": "Organization",
           "name": "Institut M\u00e9diterran\u00e9en de Biodiversit\u00e9 et d'Ecologie marine et continentale, Aix Marseille Universit\u00e9, CNRS, IRD, Avignon Universit\u00e9, Centre IRD de Noum\u00e9a, Noum\u00e9a cedex, New-Caledonia"
       "@type": "Person",
       "name": "Vicente-Sastre, Diego",
       "givenName": "Diego",
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       "identifier": {
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           "@type": "Organization",
           "name": "Northeast Iceland Nature Research Centre"
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           "@type": "Organization",
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       "givenName": "Graeme A.",
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         "propertyID": "ORCID",
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           "@type": "Organization",
           "name": "Department of Conservation, Wellington"
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       "givenName": "Vikash R. V.",
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           "@type": "Organization",
           "name": "Mauritian Wildlife Foundation"
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       "identifier": {
         "@type": "PropertyValue",
         "propertyID": "ORCID",
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           "@type": "Organization",
           "name": "St. Helena Government, Jamestown"
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       "identifier": {
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       "@type": "Person",
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