The following pages link to Wesley Larson (Q139368):
Displayed 19 items.
- Associations of stream geomorphic conditions and prevalence of alternative reproductive tactics among sockeye salmon populations (Q145416) (← links)
- Incomplete bioinformatic filtering and inadequate age and growth analysis lead to an incorrect inference of harvested-induced changes (Q146468) (← links)
- Isolation by a hydroelectric dam induces minimal impacts on genetic diversity and population structure in six fish species (Q149140) (← links)
- Discriminating among Pacific salmon, Rainbow Trout, and Atlantic Salmon species using common genetic screening methods (Q149679) (← links)
- Gene flow influences the genomic architecture of local adaptation in six riverine fish species (Q150281) (← links)
- Genetic structure of muskellunge in the Great Lakes region and the effects of supplementation on genetic integrity of wild populations (Q239976) (← links)
- Screening of duplicated loci reveals hidden divergence patterns in a complex salmonid genome (Q240054) (← links)
- Novel RAD sequence data reveal a lack of genomic divergence between dietary ecotypes in a landlocked salmonid population (Q240127) (← links)
- The future is now: Amplicon sequencing and sequence capture usher in the conservation genomics era (Q256326) (← links)
- Genomics reveals identity, phenology and population demographics of larval ciscoes (Coregonus artedi, C. hoyi, and C. kiyi) in the Apostle Islands, Lake Superior (Q256464) (← links)
- Spatial genetic structure of muskellunge in the Great Lakes region and the effects of supplementation on genetic integrity of remnant stocks (Q260246) (← links)
- Rapid discovery of SNPs differentiating hatchery steelhead trout from ESA-listed natural-origin steelhead trout using a 57K SNP array (Q261994) (← links)
- Parallel signatures of selection at genomic islands of divergence and the major histocompatibility complex in ecotypes of sockeye salmon across Alaska (Q267557) (← links)
- RAD-seq refines previous estimates of genetic structure in Lake Erie walleye (Q288684) (← links)
- DNA mixtures for ecology (Q290483) (← links)
- Assessment of leech lake strain muskellunge stocking in Lake Wissota, Wisconsin (Q290513) (← links)
- Genomic and environmental influences on resilience in a cold-water fish near the edge of its range (Q296624) (← links)
- Stock structure, dynamics, demographics, and movements of walleyes spawning in four tributaries to Green Bay (Q298614) (← links)
- Attack of the PCR clones: Rates of clonality have little effect on RAD-seq genotype calls (Q307425) (← links)