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  "USGS Staff Profile": {
    "_id": "",
    "item": "",
    "last_update": "2024-05-12T00:00:00Z",
    - '@id':
    "previous_address": null,
      '@type': CreativeWork
    "qid": "Q54806",
    "retrieved": "2024-05-12T00:00:00Z",
        '@type': PropertyValue
    "schema": {
        propertyID: doi
      "@context": "",
        value: 10.1093/gji/ggae101
      "@type": "Person",
      name: "Density structure of K\u012Blauea volcano: implications for magma storage\
      "affiliation": [
        \ and transport"
    - '@id':
          "@type": "Organization",
      '@type': CreativeWork
          "name": "Member, American Geophysical Union"
        '@type': PropertyValue
        propertyID: doi
          "@type": "Organization",
        value: 10.1029/2023gl102991
          "name": "Member, Geological Society of America"
      name: 'Bayesian Monte Carlo Inversion of InSAR Time Series Deformation Induced
        by Wastewater Injection: A Case Study in West Texas'
    - '@id':
          "@type": "Organization",
      '@type': CreativeWork
          "name": "Past memberships in Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Seismological Society of America"
        '@type': PropertyValue
        propertyID: doi
      "award": [
        value: 10.1093/gji/ggab398
        "Special Service Award, US Geological Survey, for work on granular flows"
      name: "Density structure of the island of Hawai'i and the implications for gravity-driven\
        \ motion of the south flank of K\u012Blauea Volcano"
      "description": [
    - '@id':
      '@type': CreativeWork
          "@type": "TextObject",
          "abstract": "Research Geophysicist with the Cascades Volcano Observatory",
        '@type': PropertyValue
          "additionalType": "short description"
        propertyID: doi
        value: 10.3133/pp18014
      name: Instability of Hawaiian volcanoes
          "@type": "TextObject",
    - '@id':
          "abstract": "My interests are in the physics of volcanoes; the processes that cause the changes that we measure and phenomena we see. This includes the mechanisms of magma transport, volcanic structure and magma storage, and during eruptions the transport of ash in the atmosphere. I use numerical methods, including artificial intelligence, to model data, and Bayesian methods to constrain the models with data.",
      '@type': CreativeWork
          "additionalType": "staff profile page introductory statement"
        '@type': PropertyValue
        propertyID: doi
          "@type": "TextObject",
        value: 10.3133/ofr20131122
          "abstract": "I have been a Geophysicist with the Cascades Volcano Observatory since 1996. My major accomplishments are as follows:Constructed a model for shallow water flow, modeled floods throughout western USShowed that a 2d shallow water model effectively modeled two millennial floods on the Verde River, Arizona, effectively verifying the three-dimensional variation of stage to give unique discharge of nearly 3200 cubic meters per second.  This discharge was verified by flow through a dam immediately downstream.Constructed a dambreak model for the Pakistan Army to mitigate the Haittian landslide dam that had just buried 2 entire villages. Modeling determined how much to downcut the landslide to preserve infrastructure downstream. The cut was made and the resulting flow matched the prediction of my model. For this work Dan O'Connell and I received recognition from the Pakistan Army.Constructed a shallow flow model for debris flows and avalanches to model USGS flume data.Co-construction of Ash3d, an ash transport program, along with Hans Schwaiger (USGS) and Larry Mastin (USGS). Used Bayesian methods to refine forecasts of ash clouds.Used gravity and seismic data to quantify gravitational component, verify existing volcano-tectonic features, and illustrate the deep structure cradling magma and mush in the volcano.Past AppointmentsNRC postdoctoral Fellow 1979Submersible work with US Navy, 1986-1989Geophysicist, adjunct, Oceanography Dept, University of Washington, 1986-1999Visiting Scientist, Meteorological Office, Exeter, England, 2016",
      name: "User\u2019s guide and reference to Ash3d\u2014A three-dimensional model\
          "additionalType": "personal statement"
        \ for Eulerian atmospheric tephra transport and deposition"
    - '@id':
      '@type': CreativeWork
          "@type": "TextObject",
          "abstract": "1992  keynote speaker  Penrose Conference on \u201cWater-Volcano Interaction\u201d, Warm Springs, OR",
        '@type': PropertyValue
          "additionalType": "staff profile page abstract"
        propertyID: doi
        value: 10.3133/ofr20111317
      name: Effects of catastrophic floods and debris flows on the sediment retention
          "@type": "TextObject",
        structure, North Fork Toutle River, Washington
          "abstract": "1999
    - '@id':
      '@type': CreativeWork
        '@type': PropertyValue
        propertyID: doi
        value: 10.3133/pp175015
      name: Analysis of GPS-measured deformation associated with the 2004-2006 dome-building