Item talk:Q37656

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{"@context": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "additionalType": "NI 43-101 Technical Report", "name": "NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Aappaluttoq ruby Project in North America, Greenland dated June 2011", "datePublished": "2011", "url": "", "identifier": [{"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "Zotero Item Key", "value": "QE59SUDF"}, {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "metadata landing page", "value": ""}], "archivedAt": "", "about": [{"@type": "Event", "additionalType": "mineral development project", "name": "Aappaluttoq ruby"}, {"@type": "Product", "additionalType": "mineral commodity", "name": "chromium", "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "Geoscience Ontology Identifier", "value": ""}}, {"@type": "Product", "additionalType": "mineral commodity", "name": "gold", "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "Geoscience Ontology Identifier", "value": ""}}, {"@type": "Product", "additionalType": "mineral commodity", "name": "iron", "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "Geoscience Ontology Identifier", "value": ""}}, {"@type": "Product", "additionalType": "mineral commodity", "name": "kyanite", "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "Geoscience Ontology Identifier", "value": ""}}, {"@type": "Product", "additionalType": "mineral commodity", "name": "lead", "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "Geoscience Ontology Identifier", "value": ""}}, {"@type": "Product", "additionalType": "mineral commodity", "name": "pyrite", "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "Geoscience Ontology Identifier", "value": ""}}, {"@type": "Product", "additionalType": "mineral commodity", "name": "ruby", "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "Mindat Identifier", "value": ""}}, {"@type": "Product", "additionalType": "mineral commodity", "name": "sapphire", "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "Mindat Identifier", "value": ""}}], "associatedMedia": [{"@type": "MediaObject", "additionalType": "main content", "name": "PDGHSGU9.pdf", "contentUrl": "", "contentSize": "47665580", "encodingFormat": "application/pdf", "sha256": "45c88ae853f1aa76306fcf8d128dc45c592021e156822514fd4ac7b603f68947", "potentialAction": {"@type": "Action", "additionalType": "xDD API", "agent": {"@type": "Organization", "name": "xDD", "url": ""}, "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "docid", "value": "620e6879ad0e9c819b0c3096"}, "target": ""}}, {"@type": "MediaObject", "additionalType": "text splits", "name": "4530692:QE59SUDF:PDGHSGU9.parquet", "contentUrl": "", "contentSize": "182606", "encodingFormat": "application/vnd.apache.parquet", "sha256": "668536592deb24ab8812d7f410b7351ba5d60a4547db83c07b45b5efa51fdfc4"}], "sameAs": "", "spatialCoverage": [{"@type": "Place", "name": "Greenland", "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "GeoNames ID", "value": ""}}]}

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