"DOI": { "doi": "10.5066/f7b27sdz", "identifiers": [], "creators": [ { "name": "Paul L Flint", "nameType": "Personal", "affiliation": [ "United States Geological Survey" ], "nameIdentifiers": [ { "schemeUri": "https://orcid.org", "nameIdentifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8758-6993", "nameIdentifierScheme": "ORCID" } ] }, { "name": "Margaret R. Petersen", "nameType": "Personal", "affiliation": [], "nameIdentifiers": [ { "schemeUri": "https://orcid.org", "nameIdentifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6082-3189", "nameIdentifierScheme": "ORCID" } ] } ], "titles": [ { "title": "Waterfowl Lead Exposure Data in Alaska and Russia" } ], "publisher": "U.S. Geological Survey", "container": {}, "publicationYear": 2023, "subjects": [ { "subject": "lead" }, { "subject": "coastal ecosystems" }, { "subject": "population dynamics" }, { "subject": "wetland ecosystems" }, { "subject": "freshwater ecosystems" }, { "subject": "birds" }, { "subject": "species life history" }, { "subject": "common eider" }, { "subject": "king eider" }, { "subject": "long-tailed duck" }, { "subject": "spectacled eider" }, { "subject": "steller's eider" }, { "subject": "ducks/geese/swans" }, { "subject": "animals/vertebrates" }, { "subject": "environmental conditions" }, { "subject": "somateria fischeri" }, { "subject": "somateria mollissima" }, { "subject": "somateria spectabilis" }, { "subject": "polysticta stelleri" }, { "subject": "clangula hyemalis" }, { "subject": "greater scaup" }, { "subject": "aythya marila" } ], "contributors": [], "dates": [ { "date": "2023-04-17", "dateType": "Available" }, { "date": "1993/2022", "dateType": "Collected" } ], "language": null, "types": { "ris": "DATA", "bibtex": "misc", "citeproc": "dataset", "schemaOrg": "Dataset", "resourceType": "Dataset", "resourceTypeGeneral": "Dataset" }, "relatedIdentifiers": [ { "relationType": "IsCitedBy", "relatedIdentifier": "https://www.jstor.org/stable/4641151", "relatedIdentifierType": "URL" }, { "relationType": "IsCitedBy", "relatedIdentifier": "https://doi.org/10.1002/etc.5620210819", "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI" }, { "relationType": "IsCitedBy", "relatedIdentifier": "https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1014308411665", "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI" }, { "relationType": "IsCitedBy", "relatedIdentifier": "https://doi.org/10.1139/z97-054", "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI" }, { "relationType": "IsCitedBy", "relatedIdentifier": "https://doi.org/10.2307/1370143", "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI" }, { "relationType": "IsCitedBy", "relatedIdentifier": "https://doi.org/10.2307/3802430", "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI" }, { "relationType": "IsCitedBy", "relatedIdentifier": "https://doi.org/10.2307/3802564", "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI" }, { "relationType": "IsCitedBy", "relatedIdentifier": "https://doi.org/10.3996/nafa.81.0001", "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI" }, { "relationType": "IsCitedBy", "relatedIdentifier": "https://wildfowl.wwt.org.uk/index.php/wildfowl/article/view/1043", "relatedIdentifierType": "URL" }, { "relationType": "IsCitedBy", "relatedIdentifier": "https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20231052", "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI" } ], "relatedItems": [], "sizes": [], "formats": [ "csv", "zip" ], "version": null, "rightsList": [], "descriptions": [ { "description": "This dataset identifies lead (Pb) concentration found in the blood of waterfowl sampled in western and northern Alaska and eastern Russia between 1993 and 2022. Data include age, sex, body measurement, capture location, presence or absence of lead shot on x-rays, and blood lead levels. Because the study took place over a number of years at the same study sites, many of the same birds were sampled in multiple years.", "descriptionType": "Abstract" } ], "geoLocations": [], "fundingReferences": [], "url": "https://alaska.usgs.gov/products/data.php?dataid=71", "contentUrl": null, "metadataVersion": 2, "schemaVersion": "http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-4", "source": "mds", "isActive": true, "state": "findable", "reason": null, "viewCount": 0, "downloadCount": 0, "referenceCount": 0, "citationCount": 9, "partCount": 0, "partOfCount": 0, "versionCount": 0, "versionOfCount": 0, "created": "2023-04-18T00:41:34Z", "registered": "2023-04-18T00:41:35Z", "published": null, "updated": "2023-12-27T20:16:56Z" }