Item talk:Q305216

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 "USGS Publications Warehouse": {
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   "name": "Translating stakeholder narratives for participatory modeling in landscape ecology",
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       "value": "10.1007/s10980-023-01724-9",
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   "datePublished": "2023",
   "dateModified": "2023-09-06",
   "abstract": "ContextEngaging stakeholders in research is needed for many of the sustainability challenges that landscape ecologists address. Involving stakeholders\u2019 perspectives through narratives in participatory modeling fosters better understanding of the problem and evaluation of the acceptability of tradeoffs and creates buy-in for management actions. However, stakeholder-driven inputs often take the form of complex qualitative descriptions, rather than model-ready numerical or categorical inputs.ObjectivesTranslating narratives into models, model parameters, or scenarios is essential for leveraging stakeholder knowledge and engagement. Drawing from varied experiences to identify lessons learned and pitfalls, we address the practice of translating narratives into models and using those narratives to interpret and communicate results.MethodsWe drew from seven participatory landscape ecology projects across North America to synthesize lessons for the inclusion of stakeholder narratives in modeling studies.ResultsWe offer 8 lessons as practical guidance for other landscape ecologists to move the science beyond a unilateral focus on ecological systems and to maximize the benefits of landscape sustainability science.ConclusionsThese lessons are starting points, as real projects are complex, nuanced, and sometimes contradictory. Translating narratives into models is important for addressing complex sustainability challenges; we hope that these starting points are helpful to those foraying into this type of research.",
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