"USGS Publications Warehouse": { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "CreativeWork", "additionalType": "Other Government Series", "name": "Surface waters of Kansas, 1919-1924", "identifier": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse IndexID", "value": "70174812", "url": "https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/70174812" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "USGS Publications Warehouse Internal ID", "value": 70174812 } ], "inLanguage": "en", "datePublished": "1926", "dateModified": "2016-07-15", "abstract": "The Kansas legislature in 1917 passed the Water Commission act, entitled, \"An act relating to floods, drainage, water power, domestic water supply, navigation, irrigation, and providing for state control of all matters relating thereto, and providing for a Water Commission in the state of Kansas.\"\nUnder this act the Water Commission was created and authorized to investigate the problems relating to floods, drainage, water power, domestic water supply, navigation and irrigation. It was, however, limited in this work on account of the appropriation provided, and it has therefore confined its investigations to stream-gaging work in the principal watersheds of Kansas. This work has been carried out under a cooperative agreement entered into with the United States Geological Survey.\nPrevious to the formation of the Kansas Water Commission the State Board of Irrigation Survey, Experiment and Demonstration cooperated with the United States Geological Survey in the stream-gaging investigations in Kansas from 1895 to 1906. Work by the United States Geological Survey was begun in 1895 by Arthur P. Davis, under the direction of F. H. Newell, chief hydrographer. E. C. Murphy, professor of engineering in the Kansas State University at Lawrence, Kan., was in charge of the work in eastern Kansas, and W. G. Russell was in charge of the work in western Kansas. Prof. O. P. Hood, of the Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan., cooperated in maintaining the gaging station on the Blue river near Manhattan. During 1904, 1905 and part of 1906, M. C. Hinderlider was district hydrographer.\nFrom 1906 to 1916 no stream-gaging investigations were made in Kansas, and the only records available for this period are those of river stages taken by the United States Weather Bureau, at a few selected stations, for use by the river forcast service. The floods of 1908, 1909 and 1915 occurred during this period.", "description": "273 p.", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Kansas Water Commission, Printed by Kansas state printing plant, B. P. Walker, state printer" }, "author": [ { "@type": "Person", "name": "Kinnison, H. B.", "givenName": "H. B.", "familyName": "Kinnison" } ], "funder": [ { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Kansas Water Science Center", "url": "https://www.usgs.gov/centers/kansas-water-science-center" } ], "spatialCoverage": [ { "@type": "Place", "additionalType": "country", "name": "United States", "url": "https://geonames.org/4074035" }, { "@type": "Place", "additionalType": "state", "name": "Kansas" }, { "@type": "Place", "geo": [ { "@type": "GeoShape", "additionalProperty": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "GeoJSON", "value": { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -99.541116, 36.999573 ], [ -99.648652, 36.999604 ], [ -99.657658, 37.000197 ], [ -99.875409, 37.001659 ], [ -99.995201, 37.001631 ], [ -100.115722, 37.002206 ], [ -100.193754, 37.002133 ], [ -100.552683, 37.000735 ], [ -100.734517, 36.999059 ], [ -100.756894, 36.999357 ], [ -100.855634, 36.998626 ], [ -100.904274, 36.998745 ], [ -100.945469, 36.998153 ], [ -101.012641, 36.998176 ], [ -101.359674, 36.996232 ], [ -102.04224, 36.993083 ], [ -102.041749, 37.034397 ], [ -102.041809, 37.111973 ], [ -102.042092, 37.125021 ], [ -102.041963, 37.258164 ], [ -102.041664, 37.29765 ], [ -102.042089, 37.352819 ], [ -102.041524, 37.375018 ], [ -102.042016, 37.535261 ], [ -102.041574, 37.680436 ], [ -102.042158, 37.760164 ], [ -102.042953, 37.803535 ], [ -102.044644, 38.045532 ], [ -102.044255, 38.113011 ], [ -102.044589, 38.125013 ], [ -102.044251, 38.141778 ], [ -102.044944, 38.384419 ], [ -102.044442, 38.415802 ], [ -102.044936, 38.41968 ], [ -102.045324, 38.453647 ], [ -102.045074, 38.669617 ], [ -102.045334, 38.799463 ], [ -102.046571, 39.047038 ], [ -102.04937, 39.41821 ], [ -102.049554, 39.538932 ], [ -102.050422, 39.646048 ], [ -102.050099, 39.653812 ], [ -102.050594, 39.675594 ], [ -102.051569, 39.849805 ], [ -102.051744, 40.003078 ], [ -101.904176, 40.003162 ], [ -101.841025, 40.002784 ], [ -101.409953, 40.002354 ], [ -101.324036, 40.002696 ], [ -100.937427, 40.002145 ], [ -100.75883, 40.002302 ], [ -100.66023, 40.002162 ], [ -100.645445, 40.001883 ], [ -100.196959, 40.001494 ], [ -99.990926, 40.001503 ], [ -99.948167, 40.001813 ], [ -99.930433, 40.001516 ], [ -99.813401, 40.0014 ], [ -99.772121, 40.001804 ], [ -99.756835, 40.001342 ], [ -99.746628, 40.00182 ], [ -99.49766, 40.001912 ], [ -99.423565, 40.00227 ], [ -99.412645, 40.001868 ], [ -99.282967, 40.001879 ], [ -99.018701, 40.002333 ], [ -98.710404, 40.00218 ], [ -98.690287, 40.002548 ], [ -98.652494, 40.002245 ], [ -98.64071, 40.002493 ], [ -98.560578, 40.002274 ], [ -98.274017, 40.002516 ], [ -98.250008, 40.002307 ], [ -98.193483, 40.002614 ], [ -98.099659, 40.002227 ], [ -97.838379, 40.00191 ], [ -97.777155, 40.002167 ], [ -97.510264, 40.001835 ], [ -97.369199, 40.00206 ], [ -97.20231, 40.001442 ], [ -97.142448, 40.001495 ], [ -97.137866, 40.001814 ], [ -97.049663, 40.001323 ], [ -96.916093, 40.001506 ], [ -96.622401, 40.001158 ], [ -96.610349, 40.000881 ], [ -96.467536, 40.001035 ], [ -96.125937, 40.000432 ], [ -96.02409, 40.000719 ], [ -95.30829, 39.999998 ], [ -95.308404, 39.993758 ], [ -95.30778, 39.990618 ], [ -95.307111, 39.989114 ], [ -95.302507, 39.984357 ], [ -95.289715, 39.977706 ], [ -95.274757, 39.972115 ], [ -95.269886, 39.969396 ], [ -95.261854, 39.960618 ], [ -95.257652, 39.954886 ], [ -95.250254, 39.948644 ], [ -95.241383, 39.944949 ], [ -95.236761, 39.943931 ], [ -95.231114, 39.943784 ], [ -95.220212, 39.944433 ], [ -95.21644, 39.943953 ], [ -95.213737, 39.943206 ], [ -95.204428, 39.938949 ], [ -95.201277, 39.934194 ], [ -95.20069, 39.928155 ], [ -95.20201, 39.922438 ], [ -95.205745, 39.915169 ], [ -95.206326, 39.912121 ], [ -95.206196, 39.909557 ], [ -95.205733, 39.908275 ], [ -95.201935, 39.904053 ], [ -95.199347, 39.902709 ], [ -95.193816, 39.90069 ], [ -95.189565, 39.899959 ], [ -95.179453, 39.900062 ], [ -95.172296, 39.902026 ], [ -95.159834, 39.906984 ], [ -95.156024, 39.907243 ], [ -95.149657, 39.905948 ], [ -95.146055, 39.904183 ], [ -95.143802, 39.901918 ], [ -95.142563, 39.897992 ], [ -95.142445, 39.89542 ], [ -95.143403, 39.889356 ], [ -95.142718, 39.885889 ], [ -95.140601, 39.881688 ], [ -95.137092, 39.878351 ], [ -95.134747, 39.876852 ], [ -95.128166, 39.874165 ], [ -95.105912, 39.869164 ], [ -95.090158, 39.86314 ], [ -95.085003, 39.861883 ], [ -95.081534, 39.861718 ], [ -95.052535, 39.864374 ], [ -95.042142, 39.864805 ], [ -95.037767, 39.865542 ], [ -95.032053, 39.868337 ], [ -95.027931, 39.871522 ], [ -95.025422, 39.876711 ], [ -95.025119, 39.878833 ], [ -95.025947, 39.886747 ], [ -95.02524, 39.8897 ], [ -95.024389, 39.891202 ], [ -95.018743, 39.897372 ], [ -95.013152, 39.899953 ], [ -95.00844, 39.900596 ], [ -95.003819, 39.900401 ], [ -94.990284, 39.89701 ], [ -94.986975, 39.89667 ], [ -94.977749, 39.897472 ], [ -94.963345, 39.901136 ], [ -94.959276, 39.901671 ], [ -94.95154, 39.900533 ], [ -94.943867, 39.89813 ], [ -94.934493, 39.893366 ], [ -94.929574, 39.888754 ], [ -94.927897, 39.886112 ], [ -94.927359, 39.883966 ], [ -94.927252, 39.880258 ], [ -94.928466, 39.876344 ], [ -94.931463, 39.872602 ], [ -94.938791, 39.866954 ], [ -94.940743, 39.86441 ], [ -94.942407, 39.861066 ], [ -94.942567, 39.856602 ], [ -94.939767, 39.85193 ], [ -94.937655, 39.849786 ], [ -94.92615, 39.841322 ], [ -94.916918, 39.836138 ], [ -94.909942, 39.834426 ], [ -94.903157, 39.83385 ], [ -94.892677, 39.834378 ], [ -94.889493, 39.834026 ], [ -94.886933, 39.833098 ], [ -94.881013, 39.828922 ], [ -94.878677, 39.826522 ], [ -94.877044, 39.823754 ], [ -94.876544, 39.820594 ], [ -94.875944, 39.813294 ], [ -94.876344, 39.806894 ], [ -94.880932, 39.797338 ], [ -94.884084, 39.794234 ], [ -94.890292, 39.791626 ], [ -94.892965, 39.791098 ], [ -94.925605, 39.789754 ], [ -94.929654, 39.788282 ], [ -94.932726, 39.786282 ], [ -94.935206, 39.78313 ], [ -94.935782, 39.778906 ], [ -94.935302, 39.77561 ], [ -94.934262, 39.773642 ], [ -94.929653, 39.769098 ], [ -94.926229, 39.76649 ], [ -94.916789, 39.760938 ], [ -94.912293, 39.759338 ], [ -94.906244, 39.759418 ], [ -94.899156, 39.761258 ], [ -94.895268, 39.76321 ], [ -94.883924, 39.770186 ], [ -94.88146, 39.771258 ], [ -94.871144, 39.772994 ], [ -94.869644, 39.772894 ], [ -94.867143, 39.771694 ], [ -94.865243, 39.770094 ], [ -94.863143, 39.767294 ], [ -94.860743, 39.763094 ], [ -94.859443, 39.753694 ], [ -94.860371, 39.74953 ], [ -94.862943, 39.742994 ], [ -94.870143, 39.734594 ], [ -94.875643, 39.730494 ], [ -94.884143, 39.726794 ], [ -94.891744, 39.724894 ], [ -94.899316, 39.724042 ], [ -94.902612, 39.724202 ], [ -94.910068, 39.725786 ], [ -94.918324, 39.728794 ], [ -94.930005, 39.73537 ], [ -94.939221, 39.741578 ], [ -94.944741, 39.744377 ], [ -94.948726, 39.745593 ], [ -94.95263, 39.745961 ], [ -94.955286, 39.745689 ], [ -94.960086, 39.743065 ], [ -94.965318, 39.739065 ], [ -94.970422, 39.732121 ], [ -94.971206, 39.729305 ], [ -94.971078, 39.723146 ], [ -94.968453, 39.707402 ], [ -94.968981, 39.692954 ], [ -94.969909, 39.68905 ], [ -94.971317, 39.68641 ], [ -94.976325, 39.68137 ], [ -94.981557, 39.678634 ], [ -94.984149, 39.67785 ], [ -94.993557, 39.67657 ], [ -95.001379, 39.676479 ], [ -95.009023, 39.675765 ], [ -95.01531, 39.674262 ], [ -95.018318, 39.672869 ], [ -95.024595, 39.668485 ], [ -95.027644, 39.665454 ], [ -95.037464, 39.652905 ], [ -95.039049, 39.649639 ], [ -95.044554, 39.64437 ], [ -95.049518, 39.637876 ], [ -95.053367, 39.630347 ], [ -95.054925, 39.624995 ], [ -95.055152, 39.621657 ], [ -95.053012, 39.613965 ], [ -95.047911, 39.606288 ], [ -95.046445, 39.601606 ], [ -95.046361, 39.599557 ], [ -95.047165, 39.595117 ], [ -95.049277, 39.589583 ], [ -95.054804, 39.582488 ], [ -95.056897, 39.580567 ], [ -95.059519, 39.579132 ], [ -95.064519, 39.577115 ], [ -95.069315, 39.576218 ], [ -95.07216, 39.576122 ], [ -95.076688, 39.576764 ], [ -95.089515, 39.581028 ], [ -95.095736, 39.580618 ], [ -95.099095, 39.579691 ], [ -95.103228, 39.577783 ], [ -95.106406, 39.575252 ], [ -95.107454, 39.573843 ], [ -95.113077, 39.559133 ], [ -95.113557, 39.553941 ], [ -95.109304, 39.542285 ], [ -95.106596, 39.537657 ], [ -95.102888, 39.533347 ], [ -95.092704, 39.524241 ], [ -95.082714, 39.516712 ], [ -95.077441, 39.513552 ], [ -95.059461, 39.506143 ], [ -95.05638, 39.503972 ], [ -95.052177, 39.499996 ], [ -95.050552, 39.497514 ], [ -95.049845, 39.494415 ], [ -95.04837, 39.48042 ], [ -95.047133, 39.474971 ], [ -95.045716, 39.472459 ], [ -95.04078, 39.466387 ], [ -95.0375, 39.463689 ], [ -95.033408, 39.460876 ], [ -95.028498, 39.458287 ], [ -95.015825, 39.452809 ], [ -94.995768, 39.448174 ], [ -94.990172, 39.446192 ], [ -94.982144, 39.440552 ], [ -94.978798, 39.436241 ], [ -94.976606, 39.426701 ], [ -94.972952, 39.421705 ], [ -94.966066, 39.417288 ], [ -94.954817, 39.413844 ], [ -94.951209, 39.411707 ], [ -94.947864, 39.408604 ], [ -94.946293, 39.405646 ], [ -94.946662, 39.399717 ], [ -94.946227, 39.395648 ], [ -94.945577, 39.393851 ], [ -94.942039, 39.389499 ], [ -94.937158, 39.386531 ], [ -94.933652, 39.385546 ], [ -94.92311, 39.384492 ], [ -94.919225, 39.385174 ], [ -94.915859, 39.386348 ], [ -94.909581, 39.388865 ], [ -94.901823, 39.392798 ], [ -94.894979, 39.393565 ], [ -94.891845, 39.393313 ], [ -94.888972, 39.392432 ], [ -94.885026, 39.389801 ], [ -94.880979, 39.383899 ], [ -94.879281, 39.37978 ], [ -94.879088, 39.375703 ], [ -94.88136, 39.370383 ], [ -94.885216, 39.366911 ], [ -94.890928, 39.364031 ], [ -94.896832, 39.363135 ], [ -94.899024, 39.362431 ], [ -94.902497, 39.360383 ], [ -94.907297, 39.356735 ], [ -94.909409, 39.354255 ], [ -94.910017, 39.352543 ], [ -94.910641, 39.348335 ], [ -94.908065, 39.323663 ], [ -94.905329, 39.311952 ], [ -94.903137, 39.306272 ], [ -94.900049, 39.300192 ], [ -94.895217, 39.294208 ], [ -94.887056, 39.28648 ], [ -94.882576, 39.283328 ], [ -94.87832, 39.281136 ], [ -94.867568, 39.277841 ], [ -94.857072, 39.273825 ], [ -94.84632, 39.268481 ], [ -94.837855, 39.262417 ], [ -94.831471, 39.256273 ], [ -94.827487, 39.249889 ], [ -94.825663, 39.241729 ], [ -94.826111, 39.238289 ], [ -94.827791, 39.234001 ], [ -94.834896, 39.223842 ], [ -94.835056, 39.220658 ], [ -94.833552, 39.217794 ], [ -94.831679, 39.215938 ], [ -94.823791, 39.209874 ], [ -94.820687, 39.208626 ], [ -94.811663, 39.206594 ], [ -94.799663, 39.206018 ], [ -94.787343, 39.207666 ], [ -94.783838, 39.207154 ], [ -94.781518, 39.206146 ], [ -94.777838, 39.203522 ], [ -94.775543, 39.200609 ], [ -94.770338, 39.190002 ], [ -94.763138, 39.179903 ], [ -94.752338, 39.173203 ], [ -94.741938, 39.170203 ], [ -94.736537, 39.169203 ], [ -94.723637, 39.169003 ], [ -94.714137, 39.170403 ], [ -94.696332, 39.178563 ], [ -94.687236, 39.183503 ], [ -94.680336, 39.184303 ], [ -94.669135, 39.182003 ], [ -94.663835, 39.179103 ], [ -94.660315, 39.168051 ], [ -94.662435, 39.157603 ], [ -94.650735, 39.154103 ], [ -94.640035, 39.153103 ], [ -94.623934, 39.156603 ], [ -94.615834, 39.160003 ], [ -94.608834, 39.160503 ], [ -94.601733, 39.159603 ], [ -94.596033, 39.157703 ], [ -94.591933, 39.155003 ], [ -94.589933, 39.140403 ], [ -94.592533, 39.135903 ], [ -94.600434, 39.128503 ], [ -94.605734, 39.122204 ], [ -94.607034, 39.119404 ], [ -94.607354, 39.113444 ], [ -94.607234, 39.065704 ], [ -94.608334, 38.981806 ], [ -94.608134, 38.940006 ], [ -94.607866, 38.937398 ], [ -94.608033, 38.847207 ], [ -94.607625, 38.82756 ], [ -94.611602, 38.635384 ], [ -94.611465, 38.625011 ], [ -94.611858, 38.620485 ], [ -94.611887, 38.580139 ], [ -94.612176, 38.576546 ], [ -94.612157, 38.549817 ], [ -94.613365, 38.403422 ], [ -94.613312, 38.364407 ], [ -94.612673, 38.314832 ], [ -94.612658, 38.217649 ], [ -94.613856, 38.149769 ], [ -94.614212, 37.992462 ], [ -94.614465, 37.987799 ], [ -94.614612, 37.944362 ], [ -94.617721, 37.77297 ], [ -94.617975, 37.722176 ], [ -94.617651, 37.687671 ], [ -94.617885, 37.682214 ], [ -94.616789, 37.52151 ], [ -94.618505, 37.181184 ], [ -94.617875, 37.056798 ], [ -94.61808, 36.998135 ], [ -94.625224, 36.998672 ], [ -94.83128, 36.998812 ], [ -95.049499, 36.99958 ], [ -95.80798, 36.999124 ], [ -95.91018, 36.999336 ], [ -96.00081, 36.99886 ], [ -96.394272, 36.999221 ], [ -96.500288, 36.998643 ], [ -96.73659, 36.999286 ], [ -96.749838, 36.998988 ], [ -96.79206, 36.99918 ], [ -96.795199, 36.99886 ], [ -96.822791, 36.999182 ], [ -96.87629, 36.999233 ], [ -97.46228, 36.998685 ], [ -97.606549, 36.998682 ], [ -97.637137, 36.99909 ], [ -98.219499, 36.997824 ], [ -98.354073, 36.997961 ], [ -98.408991, 36.998513 ], [ -98.544872, 36.998997 ], [ -98.714512, 36.99906 ], [ -98.761597, 36.999425 ], [ -98.880009, 36.999263 ], [ -99.029337, 36.999595 ], [ -99.049695, 36.999221 ], [ -99.277506, 36.999579 ], [ -99.375391, 37.000177 ], [ -99.407015, 36.999579 ], [ -99.541116, 36.999573 ] ] ] }, "properties": { "name": "Kansas", "nation": "USA " } } ] } } }, { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": 38.484692970885376, "longitude": -98.3801997301413 } ] } ] }