Item talk:Q155152

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Remote sensing of tidal chlorophyll-a variations in estuaries

Simultaneous acquisition of surface chlorophyll-a concentrations for 39 samples from boats and Daedalus 1260 Multispectral Scanner data from a U-2 aircraft was conducted in the northern reaches of San Francisco Bay on 28 August 1980. These data were used to develop regression models for predicting surface chlorophyll-a concentrations over the study area for ebb-tide (8.40 a.m. P.D.T. (Pacific Daylight Time)) and flood-tide (3.10 p.m. P.D.T.) conditions. After selection of a single ‘best fitting’ model for both morning and afternoon data sets, the chlorophyll-a concentration was predicted for ebb and flood tide for the entire study area at approximately 40m × 40m resolution. The predicted spatial display of chlorophyll-a revealed a localized area of high phytoplankton biomass that has been inferred from field surveys and appears to be a common summer phenomenon.

Knowledge of the distribution of phytoplankton and the location of this zone of high biomass is valuable in establishing management policies for this ecologically important estuary. Furthermore, the techniques used here may provide an alternative cost-effective method for assessing water-quality conditions and they may prove useful for studying spatial variations (patchiness) and seasonal variations in phytoplankton biomass in other estuaries and coastal waters.

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